Exports the application artifacts from the Oracle Visual Build Cloud Service instance and stores it in the artifacts repository as a zip file. The exported zip file name will be in ApplicationId-ApplicationVersion.zip format and includes all the application resources in an organized directory structure containing the source code, service endpoint configurations, deployment profiles etc.
This operation exports a specific application version from the cloud instance. The application version to be exported will be either the plugin input ( when provided ) or the latest version from the cloud instance. When trying to export an application that does not exist or does not have a valid version in cloud instance will result in failure.
Either FDOVB_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE environment instance property value or FDOVB_INP_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE plugin input value should exist. When both exists, plugin input value will take precedence. See Creating/Editing a Cloud Account and Provider for details on how to setup Cloud Account for OVB.
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Oracle Visual Builder Account | FDOVB_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE | No | The OVB account with all the required properties like Base URI, Username and Password for running OVB Instance. |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Oracle Visual Builder Application Id | FDOVB_APPLICATION_ID | Yes | This ID defines the context path (browser's URI) used for the application. |
Cloud Account Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OVB User | FDOVBACCT_USERNAME | Yes | User name for the registered OVB account |
OVB Password | FDOVBACCT_PASSWORD | Yes | Password for the registered OVB account |
OVB Base URI | FDOVBACCT_BASE_URI | Yes | The REST Base URI of a running OVB Instance |
OVB Identity Base URI | FDOVBACCT_IDENTITY_BASE_URI | No | The Oracle Identity Cloud Service URL (IDCS). E.G. https://idcs-1a2bc3de.identity.oraclecloud.com. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OVB Client Id | FDOVBACCT_CLIENT_ID | No | The Oracle Identity Client Id. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OVB Client Secret | FDOVBACCT_CLIENT_SECRET | No | The Oracle Identity Client Secret. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OVB Client Scope | FDOVBACCT_CLIENT_SCOPE | No | The Oracle Identity Client Scope. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OVB Keystore Path | FDOVBACCT_KEYSTORE_PATH | No | Java keystore path containing the private key to use for JWT User Assertion. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OVB Keystore Passphrase | FDOVBACCT_KEYSTORE_PASS | No | Java keystore passphrase for the OVB Keystore Path property. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OVB Certificate Alias | FDOVBACCT_CERT_ALIAS | No | Private certificate alias. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OVB Certificate Passphrase | FDOVBACCT_CERT_PASS | No | Passphrase for the OVB Certificate Alias property. Leave blank if no passphrase was used. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OVB Certificate Algorithm | FDOVBACCT_CERT_ALGORITHM | No | Algorithm used for the certificate. Defaults to RS256 Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Oracle Visual Builder Account | FDOVB_INP_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE | No | The OVB account with all the required properties like Base URI, Username and Password for running OVB Instance. |
Oracle Visual Builder Application Version | FDOVB_INP_APPLICATION_VERSION | No | Application version in Oracle Visual Builder cloud instance. |
Output Name | Description |
FDOVB_OUT_EXPORTED_VERSION | The version number of the exported application |
This operation produces artifacts that will be stored in the artifacts repository.
Endpoint Selection
This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment/instance.
Endpoint Execution
This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.
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