FlexDeploy Installation Guide

FlexDeploy Installation Guide

The FlexDeploy™ Installation Guide provides system specifications and instructions for installing FlexDeploy and its components. See FlexDeploy Architecture for architecture details.

See FlexDeploy System Requirements for details on software and hardware requirements.

Automated Installation

Automated Installer

It is highly recommended to utilize the automated installer process to install FlexDeploy on Linux.

Downloading FlexDeploy

For customers with active subscriptions, FlexDeploy can be downloaded from the Flexagon Support Site.

Installation Instructions

FlexDeploy Installation with Tomcat is recommended option for installation.

FlexDeploy Installation with included Tomcat

This allows for very quick installation as Tomcat is already included and you just have to update few minor configurations.

  1. Installation Instructions - Database Tier (select one option)
  2. Create Folders for FlexDeploy Server
  3. Installing FlexDeploy with Tomcat

On-Premise or Cloud(IaaS) Installation

  1. Installation Instructions - Database Tier (select one option)
  2. Create Folders for FlexDeploy Server
  3. Installation Instructions - Application Tier (select one option)
    • Installing FlexDeploy with Tomcat
    • Installation for Weblogic (Supported database type with WebLogic application server is Oracle XE, Oracle Standard or Oracle Enterprise.)

      WebLogic Support

      As of January 1st 2021, WebLogic is no longer a supported application server for new customers.  We will continue to support existing customers who have installed on WebLogic 12.1.3, but recommend that they move to Tomcat.  WebLogic 12.1.3 is no longer supported by Oracle and Flexagon has no plans to support newer versions of WebLogic.

FlexDeploy Zip Installer (Windows)

This allows for very quick installation as Tomcat is already included and PostgreSQL is setup. This is supported only on Windows platform. See Running FlexDeploy with embedded database on Windows.

FlexDeploy Docker Images

FlexDeploy docker images can be downloaded directly from docker hub. See Installation Instructions - Docker Images for details.

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