
Deploys the RPD to a target environment and replaces connection pool and password information as needed.

Property replacement on variables and connection pool information is supported via a configuration file that should reside in an SCM repository.  For more information on Property Replacement for OBIEE, see RPD Configuration File.

Environment/Instance Properties

Property Name

Property Code



OBIEE Server Port

FDOBIEE_SERVER_PORTYesThe managed server port number for OBIEE.(e.g. 9502 or 9704)
OBIEE Server HostFDOBIEE_SERVER_HOSTYesThe managed server host name for OBIEE.
OBIEE Server Use SSLFDOBIEE_SERVER_USE_SSLYesCheck if the connection to the managed server should be made using t3s. Otherwise, it will be made using t3. Defaults to false.
OBIEE Server UserFDOBIEE_USERYesThe user to log into OBIEE. Should have sufficient privileges to move and upload data.
OBIEE Server PasswordFDOBIEE_PASSWORDYesThe password for the user to login to OBIEE.
OBIEE RPD NameFDOBIEE_RPD_NAMEYesThe RPD name on the OBIEE server. (e.g. liverpd)
OBIEE RPD PasswordFDOBIEE_RPD_PASSWORDYesThe RPD password on the OBIEE server.
Oracle Middleware Home (MW_HOME)FD_ORACLE_MW_HOMEYesThe oracle middleware home (which has subfolders such as oracle_common, wlserver, coherence*, etc.) (e.g. /u01/oracle/products/fmw)

Required for OBI 11G. Not used in 12C.

The oracle BI home. (e.g. /oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/Oracle_BI1)

Weblogic Domain DirectoryFDWLS_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY11GWeblogic Domain Directory.(e.g. /u01/oracle/config/domains/soa_domain)
Weblogic Admin Domain DirectoryFDWLS_ADMIN_DOMAIN_DIRECTORYNoWeblogic Domain Directory for AdminServer. If not provided, FDWLS_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY will be used.
Weblogic Admin Listen PortFDWLS_ADMIN_LISTEN_PORT11GThe admin server port, (e.g. 7001) Not used in 12C.
Weblogic Admin Listen AddressFDWLS_ADMIN_LISTEN_ADDRESS11GThe admin server host address, (e.g. localhost) <