build (Gradle)
Runs Gradle operations on a Gradle enabled project and delivers artifacts.
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Gradle Home | FDGRD_GRADLE_HOME | No | Path where Gradle is installed. Value may include the bin folder (e.g. C:\installs\gradle or C:\installs\gradle\bin are allowed) This folder should have a gradle executable (gradle for unix based systems & gradle.bat for windows) |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Use Gradle Wrapper | FDGRD_INP_USE_GRADLE_WRAPPER | No | Check to use a Gradle Wrapper to execute the build Set to false by default If the value is false and the FDGRD_GRADLE_HOME is not set, then the latest version of gradle (currently: 5.6.2) is downloaded and set up |
Project Source Folder | FDGRD_INP_PROJECT_LOCATION | No | Path to the project which contains a build file. If a relative path is given, a path inside FD_TEMP_DIR is assumed |
Build File Name | FDGRD_INP_BUILD_FILE | No | Specify the name of the desired Gradle build file if it is not build.gradle |
Switches | FDGRD_INP_SWITCHES | No | Command-line switches separated by spaces (e.g. "--scan --all") Usage of certain switches is not allowed to avoid interference with plugin features and these are ignored even if present in the input(e.g. -b, --build-file, -x, -P, --project-prop, -D, --system-prop) |
Tasks | FDGRD_INP_TASKS | No | Gradle life cycle tasks to execute separated by spaces (e.g. "clean build") If both If |
System Properties | FDGRD_INP_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES | No | Newline delimited. Sets a system property for the build process (e.g. gradle.wrapperUser=myuser) |
Project Properties | FDGRD_INP_PROJECT_PROPERTIES | No | Newline delimited, Sets a project property of the root project (e.g. |
Save Artifacts | FDGRD_INP_SAVE_ARTIFACTS | No | If checked, artifacts will be saved to the Artifacts folder automatically. Otherwise you may want to place a saveArtifacts step after this All files present directly in the subfolder location are copied if checked |
Artifacts Subfolder | FDGRD_INP_ARTIFACTS_SUBFOLDER | No | Subfolder inside the Project Location where artifacts are generated by gradle Defaults to "build/libs" If your artifacts need to come from another location, specify it instead |
XML Test Results Subfolder | FDGRD_INP_XML_TEST_RESULTS_DIR | No | Subfolder inside the Project Location where machine readable(XML) test result reports generated by gradle are to be stored Defaults to "build/test-results/test" |
Output Name | Description |
This operation produces artifacts if the FDGRD_INP_ARTIFACTS_SUBFOLDER
is checked. Otherwise you may wish to use the file plugin to move the correct files to the artifacts folder later in the workflow.
Endpoint Selection
This operation delegates endpoint selection to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default the selection to "All", which selects all available endpoints associated to the environment instance.
Selecting a specific resource will result in selection of endpoints associated to the environment instance which have that resource defined.
Endpoint Execution
This operation delegates endpoint execution to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default to "Any", which will execute on any one of the selected endpoints, which will be randomly picked from selected endpoints or a specific endpoint where previous step may have executed. Changing this value to "All" to will result in execution on all selected endpoints.
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