

Builds a Salesforce artifact to be deployed to Salesforce Organizations or sandboxes.

Supports Full or Partial Deploy projects.

In Full Deployment mode, it supports:

  • Building an existing Salesforce zip file from the FD_TEMP_DIR (by copying it to the artifacts folder)
  • Building an existing directory structure with a package.xml in it.
  • In this mode, all object types that are supported by the Salesforce API are supported by FlexDeploy.

In Partial Deployment mode, it supports:

  • Building a package structure from files checked out of SCM when no package.xml is present. It is automatically created from the items selected for deployment.
  • Building a package structure from files stored in a Salesforce Organization or Sandbox.
  • Building a package structure with a mixture or SCM and Salesforce sourced files. The package.xml file is generated automatically to upload the correct information to Salesforce.
  • In this mode, see the Supported SalesForce Metadata Types list for information on what types of objects are supported.

Environment/Instance Properties

Property Name

Property Code



Salesforce User



The username to connect to Salesforce with.

The sandbox name is automatically appended if necessary if you forget to append it.

Salesforce PasswordFDSF_PASSWORDYes

The Salesforce password for Salesforce User.

If you are using a security token, paste the 25-digit token value to the end of your password.

If you don't know the security token, see http://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/95259/where-is-reset-security-token-option-in-salesforce

Sandbox nameFDSF_SANDBOXNo

The name of a sandbox to access, or leave blank to access the production organization.

The sandbox is automatically appended to the user name if forgotten.

Salesforce HTTPS protocolFDSF_HTTPS_PROTOCOLNoThe HTTPS protocol to use to secure the connection. Defaults to TLSv1.2.
Salesforce API VersionFDSF_API_VERSIONNo

The Salesforce API version to target.

This Default will likely change with each FlexDeploy server and Saleforce plugin release in the future.

The maximum supported version of Salesforce API that is supported is linked to the version of FlexDeploy currently running.


Project Properties

Property Name

Property Code





Input Name

Input Code





Output Name





This operation produces artifacts that will be stored in the artifacts repository.

Endpoint Selection

This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the Environment/Instance.

Endpoint Execution

This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.

Special Considerations

Currently when using Partial Deploy, some objects show up as two separate files in the file listing screen. If building from SCM, users must select both of them for the deployment to succeed. If building from Salesforce, or using the Full Deployment model, this is unnecessary.

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