EBS Object Types - Program Files

A shell script which is callable by an EBS Concurrent Program.

Object Type Identification

  • Files with extensions .prog are included regardless of location

File Extensions 

.progA shell script which is callable by a Concurrent Program.

Object Type

Program FilesPROG

Object Type Attributes

NameCodeDescriptionDefault ValueSupported Values
SourceSOURCEObject Source Location Type


Target LocationTARGET_LOCATIONPath to where the file should be deployed.$<PROD_TOP>/bin/
Target File PermissionsFILE_PERMISSIONSPermissions to apply to the file after it is deployedDefaults to the project property FDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONS

Related Project Properties

NameCodeDescriptionDefault Value
Program Files  Root Source Directory
FDEBS_PROG_ROOT_SOURCE_DIRSource folder for Prog files (e.g. cm).prog
File PermissionsFDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONSTarget File Permission. Will be set to target file after deployment using chmod. eg: 755

Sample Build Commands 

N/A - Build commands not supported for this type.

Sample Deploy Commands 

cp "$SOURCE_FILE" "$XXHR_TOP/bin/";
ln -sf $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr $XXHR_TOP/bin/programFile