EBS Object Types - Web ADI
EBS Object Types - Web ADI
Web Application Desktop Integrator or Web ADI is a tool that brings Oracle E-Business Suite functionality to a spreadsheet, where familiar data entry and modeling techniques can be used to complete Oracle E-Business Suite tasks.
Object Type Identification
- Files loaded from SCM are not automatically identified as Web ADI files. They need to be moved to the Web ADI type manually.
File Extensions
Name | Description |
.ldt | Loader Data files for Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator. |
Object Type
Name | Code |
Object Type Attributes
Name | Code | Description | Default Value | Supported Values |
Source | SOURCE | Object Source Location Type | SCM (**populating from SCM) EBS (**manual creation) | SCM | EBS |
Type | TYPE | Object Type | Integrators | Integrators | Layouts | Mappings | Contents |
Code | Code | Object Name |
| |
Application Short Code | APP_SHORT_CD | App short name (e.g. XXAR) | It is taken from the Project Property
If that is not filled in, the root folder name from SCM is used. | |
Control File | CONTROL_FILE | The lct file to use such as bneintegrator.lct | The default is set based on Type. | |
Target Location | TARGET_LOCATION | Final location the file will be placed before importing when deploying or will be exported from when building | $APP_SHORT_CD _TOP/patch/115/import/ | |
Target File Permissions | FILE_PERMISSIONS | Permissions to apply to the file after it is deployed | Defaults to the project property FDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONS |
Related Project Properties
Name | Code | Description | Default Value |
File Permissions | FDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONS | Target File Permission. Will be set to target file after deployment using chmod. eg: 755 |
Sample Build Commands
Sample Deploy Commands
cp "$SOURCE_FILE" "$XXHR_TOP/patch/115/import/"; FNDLOAD $FDEBS_DB_USER/$FDEBS_DB_PASSWORD 0 Y UPLOAD "$BNE_TOP/patch/115/import/bneintegrator.lct $XXHR_TOP/patch/115/import/webRepoT22";
, multiple selections available,
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