FlexDeploy - Oracle SaaS FSM Plugin Guide

FlexDeploy - Oracle SaaS FSM Plugin Guide

FlexDeploy Oracle SaaS Functional Setup Manager (FSM) plugin provides ability to export Setup Task CSV packages and import into an Oracle SaaS FSM environment. 

Supported Versions

  • 21c+

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Key Features

  • Supports automated build and deploy of CSV Setup Tasks for Oracle SaaS FSM.
  • Source your Setup Tasks from SCM or an Oracle environment.

Integration Instance Properties

FlexDeploy supports creation of FSM cloud instances. The following properties will be configured for each Instance. These properties are available to all operations.

Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription
Oracle SaaS FSM URL
YesURL of the Oracle SaaS FSM environment. Typically the URL of your Oracle Cloud service e.g.https://servername.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com

The username for your Oracle environment.  User will require Application Implementation Consultant or Application Implementation Administrator role to access FSM resources and migrate CSV packages.

Oracle SaaS FSM PasswordFDFSMACCT_PASSWORDYesThe password for your Oracle environment.

Plugin Operations

Supported Object Types

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