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Builds JDeveloper project(s) using a deployment profile. This operation can be used to build JAR, WAR files, etc. You can also use this operation to build ADF Library JAR files that are useful to share code across various project teams for modular development.

Environment/Instance Properties

Property Name





The JDeveloper installation directory. You can control which Build instance is associated with your project, which effectively controls which version of JDeveloper is used for build operations.

Project Properties

Property Name







Input Name





The folder where source is checked out. Leave it blank if you did not use any sub-folder to checkout/export source.



The folder where source is checked out. Leave it blank if you did not use any sub-folder to checkout/export source.

If you are using SubVersion and Source is defined on Project configuration, you can use FDBLD_SVN_SOURCE1_CHECKOUT_FOLDER variable.



The name of the deployment profile to run.
You can leave this blank if you want to run all deployment profiles.



Specify comma separated extensions to be copied to artifacts after build. For example: war, jar. (Optional)



Specify relative folder where .war or .jar files will be generated. (Default would be deploy).



Specify {FileName}={OverrideFileName} pattern. Matching files will be replaced by override files and Property replacement logic will be executed. For example: web.xml=fd-web.xml.


Output Name







The plugin input FDJDEV_INP_SAVE_ARTIFACTS_EXTENSIONS is used to determine what types of artifacts to copy to the artifacts repository. The files are copied from the folder specified by FDJDEV_INP_APP_ARTIFACT_FOLDER which has a default value of "deploy".

Endpoint Selection

This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment instance.

You must create an instance for JDeveloper and associate the endpoints where you have JDeveloper installed. You can create more than one instance if you are supporting multiple JDeveloper versions in your environment. For example, JDeveloper, JDeveloper 12.1.3 etc. Projects can select a specific JDeveloper instance on the Project Configuration Screen.

Endpoint Execution

This operation will randomly execute on one of the endpoints identified during selection.

Special Considerations

  • The JDeveloper 11g download page does not have specific installer for 64bit Linux or Windows. It is advisable to use Generic Installer if you are setting up a 64 bit Windows or Linux environment.
  • For JDeveloper 12c, you can use 64 bit Windows installer or choose to use Generic Installer.
  • In a nutshell, if the download is not very clear, Generic Installer is your best choice.
  • When using Generic Installer, make sure to use proper JDK (32 bit or 64 bit depending on operating system and specific Java version either JDK 1.6 or JDK 1.7). You will launch generic installer using {path to java} -jar {installer jar file}. The version of Java used to launch the installer will be used when you launch JDeveloper or run Plugin operations.
    • JDK to use for specific version of JDeveloper
      • JDeveloper 11g – JDK 1.6.x
      • JDeveloper 12c – JDK 1.7.x
    • It is very critical to select the proper JDK version, as generated applications will most likely be deployed to WebLogic, and WebLogic also runs with specific version of JDK. You do not have to be very specific with patch numbers, just make sure the major and minor version of JDK matches with the target runtime environment.
  • Install JDeveloper in version specific folder, as you will most likely have more than one version to support. For example, /oracle/middleware/product/jdev11117, /oracle/middleware/product/jdev121300 etc.
  • If you are building WebCenter applications, you must install various JDeveloper extensions necessary to compile WebCenter applications.
  • You must do the same for other extensions including any custom extensions that you may have on Developer workstations. For example, the JUnit extension.
  • As JDeveloper on remote host is being used to perform builds, developers must make sure to not reference JAR files using absolute path. If there is need to use third-party or open source JAR files, you can reference them by creating a Project-scoped JDeveloper library.

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