FlexDeploy - Oracle SaaS FSM Plugin Guide
FlexDeploy Oracle SaaS Functional Setup Manager (FSM) plugin provides ability to export Setup Task CSV packages and import into an Oracle SaaS FSM environment.Ā
Supported Versions
Java 8 must be used on the endpoint
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Key Features
Supports automated build and deploy of CSV Setup Tasks for Oracle SaaS FSM.
Source your Setup Tasks from SCM or an Oracle environment.
Populate the file catalog automatically with Setup Tasks (no export criteria) from an Oracle environment.
@since Populating Setup Tasks automatically in the file catalog from an Oracle environment is tested with Oracle Fusion Cloud version 23C
Integration Instance Properties
FlexDeploy supports creation of FSM cloud instances. The following properties will be configured for each target. These properties are available to all operations.
For non-basic authentication methods you can reference OAuth Configuration for Oracle Cloud for additional guidance as process will be almost identical except cloud account will be type OracleFSM.
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Oracle SaaS FSM URL |
| Yes | URL of the Oracle SaaS FSM environment. Typically, the URL of your Oracle Cloud service e.g.https://servername.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com |
Oracle SaaS FSM Auth Type |
| Yes | Authentication method for connecting to FSM. Many properties may be required depending on basic authentication or OAuth. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Username |
| Yes | The username for your Oracle environment.Ā User will require Application Implementation Consultant or Application Implementation Administrator role or other roles needed to perform export and import setup activities. See for permission details for specific tasks Using Functional Setup Manager |
Oracle SaaS FSM Password |
| Yes | The password for your Oracle environment. Required for basic authentication and OAuthResourceOwner. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Identity Base URI |
| No | The Oracle Identity Cloud Service URL (IDCS). E.G. https://idcs-1a2bc3de.identity.oraclecloud.com. Required for OAuth. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Client Id |
| No | FSM Client Id when using. Required for OAuth. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Client Secret Key |
| No | FSM Client Secret Key. Required for OAuth. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Client Scope |
| No | FSM Client Scope. Required for OAuth. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Keystore Path |
| No | Java keystore path containing the private key to use for JWT User Assertion. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Keystore Passphrase |
| No | Java keystore passphrase for the FSM Keystore Path property. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Certificate Alias |
| No | Private certificate alias. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Certificate Passphrase |
| No | Passphrase for the FSM Certificate Alias property. Leave blank if no passphrase was used. |
Oracle SaaS FSM Certificate Algorithm |
| No | Algorithm used for the certificate. Defaults to RS256. |
Plugin Operations
Supported Object Types
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