Oracle SaaS FSM Object Type - Setup Task
Setup Tasks allow for export and import of setup task as a CSV File package (zip file). If supported, scope can be applied to export a subset of the CSV File package data via Export Criteria. Export Criteria can be easily configured via the FlexDeploy during manual file creation. In the case, scope cannot be applied, please see other supported Oracle Saas FSM object types as an alternative solution.
Object Type Identification
When populating files from source control management (SCM), FlexDeploy will classify all zip files containing "SetupTasks" (case-insensitive in their path) will get classified as Setup Task. This assumes the other object types do not take precedence.
File Extensions
Object Type Code
Name | Code | Description | Default Value | Supported Values |
Source |
| Object Source Location Type |
Task Code |
| Unique id for Setup Task |
Export Criteria |
| Export Criteria used to apply scope to a setup task. |
Filter Criteria |
| After export, filter criteria is used to apply additional filtering to the setup task. |
Offering code and Functional Area attributes were available prior to, They are not needed and hence removed.
Special Considerations
Export Criteria
Export criteria are details about the Setup Task used to filter the setup data during CSV export. The export criteria are useful when the user only wants to export, and ultimately deploy, a subset of the setup data to target Oracle SaaS environment(s). Due to Oracle API limitations, only a subset of the exportable Setup Tasks support criteria functionality. It is known that some export and import processes can timeout which is likely due setup data being too large (>10MB) and/or taking too much execution time (>5 minutes). In those cases, use the Export Criteria to divide the setup data into more manageable deployment chunks.
Support for those Setups which are missing Export Criteria likely need to go through Oracle support before going through Flexagon support.
Please follow help provided in UI to enter attribute values for export criteria. See known issues below.
Manage HCM Extract Definitions
To export an HCM Extract, use the PER_MANAGE_EXTRACT_DEFINITION Task Code.
If you want to filter by ExtDefinitionId, See Tables and Views for HCM to write an adhoc BIP report to query the underlying FSM tables and retrieve name & associated ExtDefinitionId. Other option would be to manually export from FSM UI to capture ExtDefinitionId from
which is part of Export zip file. Otherwise, filter on a different Attribute Name.
Payroll Flow Patterns
Export using BaseFlowName, plugin will automatically convert to use appropriate FlowId when you use BaseFlowName in export criteria.
The Payroll Flow Patterns task will work only for custom tasks, seeded ones will not get exported. The Flow Status should be active as well.
- this requires use of FlowId, which is not visible on FSM UI. Other values do not work with Export CSV API. There are few options to get FlowId:
Filter Criteria
Filter criteria are a list of rules used to filter the setup data after CSV export. This means if export criteria are configured, then filter criteria are applied to the result of that. The filter criteria are useful when the user only wants to deploy, a subset of the setup data to the target Oracle SaaS environment(s) and export criteria alone is not sufficient. It is recommended to start with export criteria first and after use filter criteria to fill any gaps if additional filtering is required by your use case. While export criteria only works for specific tasks and attributes combinations; filter criteria are configurable for any task and attribute. A couple reasons export criteria is preferred:
There are known issues with Oracle’s Export API where API requests would timeout. Speculation says this is due to size limitation (default is 10MB). Export criteria will keep exported artifacts smaller and help prevent timeouts.
Execution time will be much faster with Export Criteria versus exporting the entire Setup Task. Execution time on the Oracle’s side mostly depends on the number of business objects associated to the task and size of data for each.
Filter Criteria Operators
Filter criteria support a set of operators to help users achieve filtered CSV file packages. See the below for a full list below:
Equals (case insensitive)
Not Equal
Includes (case insensitive)
Doesn’t Include
Empty includes column values containing empty string or white space characters only.
Not Empty
Not Empty includes column values not containing empty string or white space characters only.
Applies a regex expression to the column value
Latest Version
Assuming the column contains a version number like MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (1.0.1) or similar. This operator will find the latest or most recent version in the entire column.
If the attribute name (column) selected with this operator does not follow a version like format, then this operator will not behave as expected.
How is the criteria applied?
All configured rules are joined together with AND operations. For example, if 2 rules are configured for a given business object, then both rules must resolve to true to keep a row in the csv file. Logical or is not supported between rules. You can filter by multiple values in a given rule by separating the values with the delimiter ## (i.e. ClickShipCollect1##ClickShipCollect2).
Parent child relationships are maintained when any row is removed. If a row in fileA.csv is removed due to criteria and that row is referenced in fileB.csv, then all referenced rows in fileB.csv will also be removed. In other words, if the parent row is deleted/removed then all child rows from other CSV file(s) are removed. You can check if there is a parent child relationship between csv files by looking for column headers with period/dot in their name. The value before the dot is the parent file and the value after the dot is the parent column. i.e. DOO_ORCHESTRATION_PROCESS.ProcessName
Filter Criteria Examples
1 rule with multivalue. Business Object → DOO_ORCHESTRATION_PROCESS
The below filter criteria means filter the DOO_ORCHESTRATION_PROCESS.csv file where ProcessName column is equal to “ClickShipCollect1” or “ClickShipCollect2”
2 rules same business object. Business Object → DOO_ORCHESTRATION_PROCESS, Rule 2 Attribute Name → DooProcessVersion
The below filter criteria means filter the DOO_ORCHESTRATION_PROCESS.csv file where ProcessName column is equal to “ClickShipCollect1” and DooProcessVersion column is equal to the Latest Version of the entire column. Remember Latest Version is a custom operator and the value is determined at runtime.
2 rules different business objects. Rule 1 Business Object → XLE_ENTITY_PROFILE, Rule 2 Business Object → XLE_LE_LEGAL_ADDRESS
The below filter criteria means filter the XLE_ENTITY_PROFILE.csv file where Name column is contains “US”. Additionally, filter the XLE_LE_LEGAL_ADDRESS.csv file where State column is equal to “WI”.
With export and filter criteria it is highly suggested to avoid overlapping of file definitions between two or more Setup Task files. When two files deploy overlapping data, it will become difficult to track which package/project deployed changes and to prevent issues of deploying unwanted changes to the target SaaS environment. To guarantee no data overlap, review the CSV File Package from the csvExport and compare with other executions using the same Setup Task to confirm there are no duplicate rows.
Source from Development Environment
In order to download a CSV file package from an environment, at the minimum you must configure a file for a setup with the following steps:
On the File Catalog or Package Files page click CREATE
Select “Setup Task” as the Type
Search for your Setup Task by task name or task code. FlexDeploy will give you suggestions as you are typing.
(optional) If the task supports Export Criteria, then Export Criteria section will be shown. Configure as needed.
For each business object, select an attribute name and set a value. Think of the business object as a CSV file and the attribute name as a column in the CSV file. Multiple values can be filtered for by delimiting with ## (i.e. VALUE1##VALUE2). To filter by more than one attribute name in the same CSV file, click the Add button at the bottom of the business object. Naturally, if you can click the remove button to remove a filter.
(optional) Configure Filter Criteria as needed.
Click ADD to create a rule.
Select a business object (CSV file) or type in your own if the business object you’re looking for is not in the drop down list.
Select an attribute name (column) or type in your own if the attribute name you’re looking for is not in the drop down list.
Select an operator from the available list.
Type in the value you wish to filter by. By design, if the selected operator does not require a value i.e empty, not empty, regex, etc…, then the value column will not display.
Click Save to save your configurations. FlexDeploy will tell you the list exported CSV files which will eventually be in the exported CSV file package. Now you can add this file to a Package and perform export and import.
Note that File Name (with Path) will automatically be populated based the task and if there are any criteria defined.
@before Only one Attribute Name was allowed to be selected for each Business Object. Therefore, you did not have ability to Add or Remove Business Objects as seen in below image. This is a key functionality if you wish to filter by multiple columns in the same CSV file.
Source from SCM
The following convention is generally used for the File Name (with Path) in Source Code Repository. "/SetupTasks/<Task Code>.zip" for entire setup task or "/SetupTasks/<Task Name>/<Attribute Value>.zip" for a scoped setup task. If you follow these conventions, then you do not have to configure Files manually. You are ready to perform export and import using FlexDeploy package once files are discovered in FlexDeploy.
Task Code is derived from zip file sourced from SCM.
How to find Task Code for a Setup Task?
To initiate the export or import process, Oracle endpoints requires providing a code for the task. Following these instructions to find the Task Code. We are assuming you have access to FSM resource.
Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click Manage Setup Content from the Tasks panel tab.
To search for the code of a task
On the Manage Setup Content page, click Manage Task Lists and Tasks.
In the Search field, select Tasks and click Search.
In the search results, click the name of the task.
On the Task page, look for value that appears against Code.
Copy the code and use it where necessary.
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