Credential Store

Credential Store

Credential store represents instance of specific type of credential store provider. You can have many such credential stores in FlexDeploy of same or different type. There is one credential store created by default, which is named Local. If you are migrating from previous version of FlexDeploy, you will also notice migrated credentials under Local credential store.

Local credential store is based on Local credential store provider. There is only one Local credential store allowed, but you can create many other credential stores based on one or more credential store providers.

You can access credential stores by navigating to Configuration → Integrations and click the Credential Store tab.

You will see following screen which lists all active credential stores for each store. This screen allows you to

  1. View or Edit Credential Store - open popup to view or edit specific credential store by selecting its name.

  2. Create Store - open create new store popup where you will select desired provider and provide configuration properties for that specific credential store.

  3. Manage Providers - navigate to list of credential store providers screen, where you can view, edit or create credential store providers.

  4. Activate/Inactive Store - click on active checkmark to inactive, and click on inactive icon to activate (Can only inactivate Store if not in use by a Credential).

  5. Copy Store- copy specific credential store and configuration property values.

  6. Delete Store- delete specific credential store. If credential store is used, you will not be able to delete it.

In this section we will talk about how to view/edit and create credential store. Note that credential store provider associated with specific store indicates type of store, and once a credential store is created, it can not be updated to be of different provider type.

Create Credential Store

First click + Create button. You will see screen as shown below. Enter name of your store and select provider type in the dropdown. Once a Credential Store is saved, its provider type cannot be changed.

Once you have selected a Provider, a list of properties will show up. Some will be required to save while others are not.

Click the Save button to save the changes and exit the popup. 

View or Edit Credential Store

In order to view or edit specific credential store, select its name in the list of stores. At this point, you can change Name and Property Values, but Provider Name can not be changed. Make necessary changes and click the Save button to save the changes.

Integration with Credential Providers

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