Webhook Providers

Webhook Providers

Webhooks can provide integration between FlexDeploy and source control, change management, issue tracking, or any application with support for outgoing webhooks. You have complete control over which applications you would like configured with webhooks. See our Sample Implementations for examples of some common providers.

Viewing Webhook Providers

Access providers by navigating to Administration → Integrations → Incoming Webhooks and clicking .

Provider Ordering

You can change the order of Providers by dragging and dropping the table rows on the Screen.  Be sure to click 'Save Order'!

Creating/Editing Webhook Providers

To create a new provider, click the  button. To view or edit a provider, click on the name of the provider.






The order providers are processed to find a match when receiving a webhook message


Whether this provider is active

Provider Id

The read-only id of the provider


The name of the provider


An optional description for the provider

Created On

The date and time of provider creation

Created By

The user who created the provider

Updated On

The date and time the provider was last updated

Updated By

The last user to update the provider

Provider Matching

Each provider has a Groovy match script, which should verify an incoming webhook is from its provider and return true or false. The script may validate an incoming webhook by a signature or secret set in the provider application, or with other authentication methods. Properties, like signature or secret, can be defined and used in both the match script and all functions of the provider.

When a webhook is received, each match script is executed in order of providers until a script returns true, meaning a match is found. Higher priority providers should have a sequence number closer to the top for better performance. 


While the provider match scripts do offer some level of verification and security, they should not be solely relied upon to prevent unwanted incoming requests.  See how to secure your webhooks.

The editing window has capabilities for undo, redo, find, find and replace, and go to line. There are a variety of context variables and methods available to use in this script. Type Ctrl + Space for suggestions on available variables and methods.

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