Configure Change Management Instance

Configure Change Management Instance

To create a Change Management instance, select the Change Management tab, and click the  button. To edit an existing instance, click on an Instance row from the list.

Enter values for the fields as described in the table below.

Field Name



Instance Code


Short name for the instance.  As the code is available as Groovy and Shell variables it must not contain spaces or other special characters, aside from underscores.

Instance Name


Display name for the instance.

Change Management


The change management system.



A meaningful description of the instance.



Whether or not the instance is active in the system. Defaults to "Yes" when creating a new instance.

If the selected Change Management System has any properties defined, enter the values for those properties.

Click the Test  button to test the connection and verify that the url, port, username, and password are correct. Click the Save button to save the changes. Optionally click the Apply button to save the changes, but remain on the current screen until the Cancel button is clicked.

ServiceNow Properties




ServiceNow URL


The URL for accessing ServiceNow.

ServiceNow User Name


A local ServiceNow service account user with a non-expiring password. 

ServiceNow Password


The password for the ServiceNow User Name above.

Note that encrypted properties are stored in Credential Store (Local or External) and can be configured using Edit button next to credential name drop down. Alternatively, you can reuse single credential for multiple properties also, in which case you should name that credential appropriately.

Required for the following Auth Types, BasicAuth and  OAuthResourceOwner

ServiceNow Auth TypeStringAuthentication method for connecting to ServiceNow, BasicAuth,  OAuthResourceOwner, OAuthJWTAssertion.  Defaults to BasicAuth.  @Since
ServiceNow Client IDString

The auto-generated unique ID of the application. The instance uses the client ID when requesting an access token. @Since

Required for the following Auth Types, OAuthResourceOwner and OAuthJWTAssertion.

ServiceNow Client SecretString

The shared secret string that both the instance and the client application use to authorize communications with one another. The instance uses the client secret when requesting an access token. (Encrypted).  @Since

Required for the following Auth Types, OAuthResourceOwner and OAuthJWTAssertion.

ServiceNow Keystore PathString

ServiceNow Keystore Path (path to the jks file).  @Since

Required for the following Auth Types, OAuthJWTAssertion.

ServiceNow Keystore PassphraseString

Java keystore passphrase for the ServiceNow Keystore (Encrypted).  @Since

Required for the following Auth Types, OAuthJWTAssertion.

ServiceNow Certificate AliasString

Private certificate alias.  @Since

Required for the following Auth Types, OAuthJWTAssertion.

ServiceNow Certificate PassphraseString

Passphrase for the ServiceNow Certificate (Encrypted).  @Since

Required for the following Auth Types, OAuthJWTAssertion.

ServiceNow JWT Verifier Map Key IDString

ServiceNow JWT Verifier Map Key ID.  @Since

Required for the following Auth Types, OAuthJWTAssertion.

ServiceNow Certificate AlgorithmString

Algorithm used for the certificate. Defaults to RS256.  @Since

Required for the following Auth Types, OAuthJWTAssertion.

ServiceNow Refresh Token LifespanLongThe number of seconds that a refresh token is valid. The instance uses the lifespan value when requesting a refresh token. By default, refresh tokens expire in 100 days (8640000 seconds) @Since
ServiceNow Request GET URLString

The URL to get the change request details as json response.   @Since

  • Default URL is /api/now/table/change_request?sysparm_query=number%3D{SN_CHANGE_NUMBER}
  • If needed, you can change and use your custom GET url for ServiceNow REST endpoint.  The URL should include {SN_CHANGE_NUMBER} string as the execution system will replace it with the actual change number during execution.
    • e.g. /api/xyz/mycompanty_servicenow_generic_api/readChangeRequest?number%3{SN_CHANGE_NUMBER}
  • If the response returned from this GET API contains an attribute called description it will be mapped to the description of the linked ticket, otherwise the description on the links tab will appear as empty.  Prior to, an error would occur if the description field was not present in the payload returned from this GET API.
ServiceNow Navigation Request URLString

The URL to open ServiceNow and navigate to the Change ticket associated to the project workflow execution @Since

ServiceNow Request POST URLString

The URL to create a change request.   @Since

  • Default URL is /api/now/table/change_request
  • If needed, you can change and use your custom url to create a new change using the POST operation
    • if you want to use Service Catalog, then change the url to /api/now/table/sc_request

Approved Check Script


A Groovy expressions which determines whether a task for the change ticket is approved or not.  The expression must return a boolean, and has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the ServiceNow REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.

If the Approved Check Script is left blank, the default implementation is to return true if the "approval" field of the ticket is set to "approved".

Simple Example which is used by default
TICKET.approval == 'approved'
Example that checks myfield value specific to target environment
(TICKET.myfield == 'UATApproved' && FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE='UAT') || (TICKET.myfield == 'PRODApproved' && FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE='PROD')

If you want to see values that can be used, enable FINEST log level for flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.CMSScript using Admin Operations.

Following example is to check if current date time is between start_date and end_date defined on Ticket. Let's assume format for the date string returned and TimeZone as GMT.

Check if now is between start_date and end_date defined on ticket
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils;

if(TICKET.approval == 'approved' && TICKET.start_date != null && TICKET.end_date != null)
    Date start = FlexDateTimeUtils.stringToDate(TICKET.start_date, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
    Date end = FlexDateTimeUtils.stringToDate(TICKET.end_date, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
    Date now = new Date();
    if(now.after(start) && now.before(end))
      return true;
return false;
Rejected Check ScriptString

A Groovy expressions which determines whether a task for a change ticket is rejected or not.  The expression must return a boolean, and as has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the ServiceNow REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.

If the Rejected Check Script is left blank, the default implementation is to return true if the "approval" field of the ticket is set to "rejected".

Simple Example which is used by default
TICKET.approval == 'rejected'
Example that checks myfield value specific to target environment
(TICKET.myfield == 'UATRejected' && FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE='UAT') || (TICKET.myfield == 'PRODRejected' && FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE='PROD')
Additional Info ScriptString


A Groovy expression which determines additional information to add to an external approval when it is approved or rejected.  The expression must return a Map<String, String> and have an entry with the key of "notes" for the value to get added to external approval as a task note. Script has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the ServiceNow REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.
Example where ServiceNow Approver(s) and time of approval are added to task notes
import flexagon.ff.common.core.rest.FlexRESTClient;
import flexagon.ff.common.core.rest.FlexRESTClientResponse;
import flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexJsonUtils;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.ApiException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.ws.rs.client.Entity;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Form;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
def returnMap = [:]
def snowUrl = '{SN_URL}'
def user = '{SN_USER_NAME}'
def password = '{SN_PASSWORD}'
def resourcePath = '/api/now/table/sysapproval_approver?sysparm_display_value=all&sysparm_query=state%3Dapproved%5Edocument_id%3D' + TICKET.sys_id
    FlexRESTClient restService = new FlexRESTClient();
    FlexRESTClientResponse response = restService.url(snowUrl).path(resourcePath).basicauth(user, password).mediatype(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).setValidateResponse(true).get();
    JSONObject jsonResponse = null;
    jsonResponse = FlexJsonUtils.getJSON(response.getResponseString());
    def listOfApprovers = jsonResponse.getJSONArray('result');
    for (int i = 0; i < listOfApprovers.length(); i++)
        def approver = listOfApprovers.get(i);
        def linkRequestUrl = approver.getJSONObject('approver').getString('link')
        restService = new FlexRESTClient();
        response = restService.url(linkRequestUrl).basicauth(user, password).mediatype(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).setValidateResponse(true).get();

        jsonResponse = FlexJsonUtils.getJSON(response.getResponseString());
        jsonResponse = jsonResponse.getJSONObject('result')
        if (returnMap.isEmpty())
          returnMap['notes'] = 'Approvers: ' + System.getProperty("line.separator")
          returnMap['notes'] = returnMap['notes'] + System.getProperty("line.separator")
        returnMap['notes'] = returnMap['notes'] + jsonResponse.getString('name') + ' (' + approver.getJSONObject('sys_updated_on').getString('display_value') + ')'
catch(Exception ex)
    returnMap['notes'] = ex.getMessage()
return returnMap
Don't PollBooleanReturns whether FlexDeploy should poll ServiceNow to check the change tickets for Approval/Rejection.  The default value is false, which means polling will occur.  Only check this box if you are using the FlexDeploy REST API to communicate ticket approval/rejection.

ServiceNow Modules

Most common usage for ServiceNow is using the change request module, but other objects like service catalog request can be used by modifying the default GET, POST, and Nav URLs. If you plan to use a different module, for POST operation, use the tickets tab in the CMS configuration screen to add any additional fields required to create the object.

BMC Remedyforce Properties

BMC Helix Remedyforce URLStringBMC Helix Remedyforce Instance URL (https://<instance_name>.salesforce.com)
BMC Helix Remedyforce User NameStringBMC Helix User Name
BMC Helix Remedyforce PasswordString

BMC Helix Remedyforce Password

Note that encrypted properties are stored in Credential Store (Local or External) and can be configured using Edit button next to credential name drop down. Alternatively, you can reuse single credential for multiple properties also, in which case you should name that credential appropriately.

Client IdStringConnected App Client Id
Client SecretStringBMC Helix Remedyforce Client Secret
Approved Check ScriptString

A Groovy expressions which determines whether a task for the change ticket is approved or not.  The expression must return a boolean, and has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the BMC Remedyforce REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.

    If you want to see values that can be used, enable FINEST log level for flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.CMSScript using Admin Operations.

Rejected Check ScriptString

A Groovy expressions which determines whether a task for a change ticket is rejected or not.  The expression must return a boolean, and as has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the BMC Remedyforce REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.
Additional Info ScriptString


A Groovy expression which determines additional information to add to an external approval when it is approved or rejected.  The expression must return a Map<String, String> and have an entry with the key of "notes" for the value to get added to external approval as a task note. Script has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the ServiceNow REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.
Don't pollBooleanDisable automatic polling (every minute) of BMC Helix tickets for status changes. Check if using REST API to communicate status changes to FlexDeploy.
Specified Object URLStringObject Name URL (/services/data/vXX.X/sobjects/{OBJECT_NAME})
Category IdStringCategory FK Id (e.g a216g0000005NvDAAU)

Freshworks Freshservice Properties

Freshservice URLStringFreshservice URL (https://<your_helpdesk_domain_name>.freshservice.com)
Freshservice API KeyString

API key for Freshservice

Note that encrypted properties are stored in Credential Store (Local or External) and can be configured using Edit button next to credential name drop down. Alternatively, you can reuse single credential for multiple properties also, in which case you should name that credential appropriately.

Approved Check ScriptString

A Groovy expressions which determines whether a task for the change ticket is approved or not.  The expression must return a boolean, and has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the Freshservice REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.

    If you want to see values that can be used, enable FINEST log level for flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.CMSScript using Admin Operations.

Rejected Check ScriptString

A Groovy expressions which determines whether a task for a change ticket is rejected or not.  The expression must return a boolean, and as has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the Freshservice REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.
Additional Info ScriptString


A Groovy expression which determines additional information to add to an external approval when it is approved or rejected.  The expression must return a Map<String, String> and have an entry with the key of "notes" for the value to get added to external approval as a task note. Script has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the ServiceNow REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.
Don't pollBooleanDisable automatic polling (every minute) of Freshservice tickets for status changes. Check if using REST API to communicate status changes to FlexDeploy.
Freshservice Requester IdStringFreshservice agent id for API access(should be a number)

Jira ITSM Properties

Jira URLStringJira URL (http://myjira.atlassian.net)
Jira UserStringJira User Name
Jira API TokenString

API token for Jira

Note that encrypted properties are stored in Credential Store (Local or External) and can be configured using Edit button next to credential name drop down. Alternatively, you can reuse single credential for multiple properties also, in which case you should name that credential appropriately.

Jira Ticket URL PatternString

The URL to open Jira ITSM and navigate to the change ticket associated to the project workflow execution

  • Default URL pattern is /browse/{JIRA_CHANGE_NUMBER}
  • The URL should include {JIRA_CHANGE_NUMBER} string as the execution system will replace it with the actual change number during execution
Jira GET Rest API PatternString

Jira Rest API URL Pattern for a GET request

  • Default URL is /rest/api/2/issue/{JIRA_CHANGE_NUMBER}
  • If needed, you can change and use your custom GET URL pattern for Jira ITSM REST endpoint.  The URL should include {JIRA_CHANGE_NUMBER} string as the execution system will replace it with the actual change number during execution.
Jira POST Rest API PatternString

Jira Rest API URL pattern for creating a change ticket

  • Default URL pattern is /rest/api/2/issue
  • If needed, you can change and use your custom URL to create a new change using the POST operation
Approved Check ScriptString

A Groovy expressions which determines whether a task for the change ticket is approved or not.  The expression must return a boolean, and has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the Jira ITSM REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.

If the Approved Check Script is left blank, the default implementation checks the status of the ticket to determine if it's approved. Statuses of awaiting implementation, implementing, and completed are considered approved and return true.

Default Check
TICKET.fields.status.name == 'Awaiting implementation' || TICKET.fields.status.name == 'Implementing' || TICKET.fields.status.name == 'Completed'

Example that checks custom field value specific to target environment
(TICKET.fields.customfield_10107.status == 'UATApproved' && FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE='UAT') || (TICKET.fields.customfield_10107.status == 'PRODApproved' && FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE='PROD')

If you want to see values that can be used, enable FINEST log level for flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.CMSScript using Admin Operations.

Rejected Check ScriptString

A Groovy expressions which determines whether a task for a change ticket is rejected or not.  The expression must return a boolean, and as has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the Jira ITSM REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.

If the Rejected Check Script is left blank, the default implementation checks the status of the ticket to determine if it's rejected. Statuses of declined, canceled, and failed are considered rejected and return true.

Additional Info ScriptString


A Groovy expression which determines additional information to add to an external approval when it is approved or rejected.  The expression must return a Map<String, String> and have an entry with the key of "notes" for the value to get added to external approval as a task note. Script has access to the following variables:

  • TICKET - an object with fields (JSON) contained in the change ticket, as returned by the ServiceNow REST API.  Fields are referenced as TICKET.<field name>.<sub-field name>
  • FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - The environment for a particular deployment request or associated pipeline stage.
Don't pollBooleanDisable automatic polling (every minute) of Jira tickets for status changes. The default value is false, which means polling will occur.  Only check this box if you are using the FlexDeploy REST API to communicate ticket approval/rejection.

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