Copy Plugins for Auto Upload (Glassfish)

Copy Plugins for Auto Upload (Glassfish)

Copy plugins from download zip to plugins folder as shown below. This will make sure that plugins are automatically uploaded on Server startup, you will still need to activate them in later step.

This is useful when you are upgrading FlexDeploy, as there may be many new plugins or versions available as part of new FlexDeploy release.

  • Locate flexagon.fd.install.root folder for your FlexDeploy installation, which is FlexDeploy working directory. This is specified on Java command line. For example, -Dflexagon.fd.install.root=c:/temp/flexdeploy/application.
  • Create plugins folder, if it does not exist under this folder.
  • Copy plugins from download zip's plugins folder and to plugins folder under FlexDeploy working directory.

The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style