EBS Object Types - HTML (Web) Files
EBS Object Types - HTML (Web) Files
Used for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on web pages.
Object Type Identification
- Files with the extensions .html, .htm, .js, .jsp, .css, .xss, .xsl are included regardless of location
File Extensions
Name | Description |
.html or .htm | Hypertext Markup Language is a standardized system for tagging text files. |
.js | Java Script file |
.jsp | Java Server Pages file |
.css or .xss | Cascading or XML Style Sheet |
.xsl | XSL Transformation file |
Object Type
Name | Code |
HTML (Web) Files | HTML |
Object Type Attributes
Name | Code | Description | Default Value | Supported Values |
Source | SOURCE | Object Source Location Type | SCM | SCM |
Target Location | TARGET_LOCATION | Path to where the file should be deployed. | $OA_HTML/ | |
JSP Compile | JSP_COMPILE | JSP File Compilation Mode | The project property FDEBS_JSP_COMPILE controls the default. | Compile,No,Compile with Flush |
Target File Permissions | FILE_PERMISSIONS | Permissions to apply to the file after it is deployed | Defaults to the project property FDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONS |
Related Project Properties
Name | Code | Description | Default Value |
FDEBS_HTML_ROOT_SOURCE_DIR | Source folder for web files (e.g. web). | html | |
FDEBS_HTML_ROOT_DESTINATION_DIR | Target directory for html files (e.g. $XXAR_TOP/html). | $OA_HTML | |
FDEBS_JSP_COMPILE | Compile option for JSP files. | No Valid values are (Compile,No,Compile with Flush) | |
File Permissions | FILE_PERMISSIONS | Permissions to apply to the file after it is deployed |
Sample Build Commands
N/A - Build commands not supported for this type.
Sample Deploy Commands
cp $SOURCE_FILE $OA_HTML/; $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ojspCompile.pl --compile -s ahlprdMrJobMain.jsp
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