deployApplication (OVB)

deployApplication (OVB)

Deploy Oracle Visual Builder Applications.

If a team.json file is found in the artifacts directory, it will be imported into the instance after being deployed. To get a team.json file, look at the export team input in the export application operation.

In order to deploy an application it must have both the rootURL and version set in the visual-application.json file. The rootURL is used as the application ID and version as the version. If you use the export application operation this will be set automatically.

deployApplication operation must be used along with the buildApplication. Only using exportApplication in the build workflow directly, will not suffice.

Target Properties

Property Name

Property Code



Property Name

Property Code



Oracle Visual Builder Account



The OVB account with all the required properties like Base URI, Username and Password for running OVB Instance.

Project Properties

Property Name

Property Code



Property Name

Property Code



Application Profile ID



Oracle Visual Builder Application Profile ID. Default is generally base_configuration.


Input Name

Input Code



Input Name

Input Code



Oracle Visual Builder Account



The OVB account with all the required properties like Base URI, Username and Password for running OVB Instance.

Publish Application



Publish the app, or just stage it.

Delete if Already Live



Delete the app if it is already live.




Specifies data schema processing during application stage or publish. Value of 'new' creates a new data schema. Value of 'dev' uses the data schema from development. Value of 'stage' uses the data schema from the previous staged version of the application. Value of 'live' uses the data schema from the previous live version of the application. Defaults to 'new'

Node Executable Path



An absolute path to a Node executable or its parent directory. If not given, node in path will be considered. @Since

Nodejs Version



Nodejs version. Installs node with the provided version. This input will be ignored if the input FDOVB_INP_NODE_EXE_PATH is also provided. @Since

NPM Install Arguments



Allows to enter one or more arguments to npm install command.

(Ex --no-optional). @Since




npm configurations entered as list of key = value parameters (e.g. loglevel=notice), one key value pair per line. @Since 

All default npmrc configurations are listed when the command “npm config list -l” is run.

Some examples are-

1.registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/ (Specifies the URL of the npm registry)

2.strict-ssl=false (Controls SSL certificate validation during HTTPS requests.)

https-proxy=http://your-https-proxy-url:port (Specifies the URL of the proxy server.)

4.loglevel=verbose (Sets the logging level for npm output (e.g., silent, error, warn, info, verbose, debug).)

5.production=true (Instructs npm to skip installation of devDependencies.)

For more details, refer npm-config | npm Docs

Also, when multiple .npmrc files are available, npm follows a specific hierarchy for merging these configurations. Such as Project-Specific > User-Specific >Global.

For more details, refer https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/configuring-npm/npmrc

Grunt Arguments<



Allows to enter one or more arguments to grunt commands. (Ex --verbose)



This operation consumes artifacts from the artifacts repository.

Endpoint Selection

This operation delegates the selection to the workflow developer to determine.

Endpoint Execution

This operations delegates the execution to the workflow developer to decide.

Application Profiles

Application profiles in a Visual Builder application facilitate the configuration of the services used within the application, it also provides an option to set user role mappings. You can use the Backends which has a collection of servers. For example you can configure the servers in Oracle Cloud Applications Or Oracle Integration. You can also use it to configure external rest services.

The Visual Builder Application provides you with the ability to define application profiles for each environments. In each profile, you specify the appropriate details to use when you deploy it to a development, qa, or production environments. FlexDeploy utilizes the application profile and helps migrate the application to use the correct profile for each Target.



Once you open your application, go the application’s Settings page, you will see the Application Profiles tab. By default, you will see Base configuration, You can create more profile configuration using the default Base configuration.


Oracle Visual Builder instance provides out of box integrations with Oracle Cloud Applications, Oracle Integrations using Backends as well as from Service Catalogs. In this example, we will see how to use Backends for third party external REST API integrations.


Using the Tenant Settings, you can configure the Backends in the Services tab. Creating all the services used by the applications in the Services tab will help you using the same service names across the environments and also avoid changing any connection or credentials for each deployments.

In below example, created a new service called Flex Services in the development environment.

Service Connections

In the application, go to Services, create a new Service Connection and use the Flex Services created from the Backends.

Created profile for each environments, marked the Base configurations as the default for development.

User Roles & Mappings

For creating User Roles, go to Settings and select User Roles tab. Here create the roles and do the appropriate mapping to groups and users.

The User Roles will reflect in the all the profiles, you can go to individual user profiles and change the mappings for each environments.

To use the application profiles for each environment, in the FlexDeploy project properties, enter the profile id.

For the same service, in the production environment, created the same service with a different endpoint value.

When the application is deployed through FlexDeploy to production environment, the production application profile is enabled. Other profiles will be disabled.


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