Git Accounts

Git Accounts

Users can specify personal Git Accounts to reduce boilerplate configuration within FlexDeploy.

Git Accounts are a great way to speed up configuration in FlexDeploy. Currently their only use is in Project Creation, but they will be integrated further in the future to the rest of the platform.

Creating a Git Account

To create a git account, click the Add Account button at the bottom of the list.

In the ensuing popup you specify which Provider the account is for as well as your Username and Personal Access Token. A link will be shown for the location to create a Personal Access Token and the required scopes.

After providing all the required information you can validate and save the account.

On Premise Git Providers

If your git provider is hosted on-premise, you can override the API Location as seen below:

The Token Url seen in the App Password description may no longer be valid if using the API Override, however the required scopes should still remain the same.

Modify a Git Account

To modify a Git Account, click on the Name of the account as shown below


Usage in Blueprints

When configuring a new Project via Blueprint you may use your configured Git Accounts to quickly select a repository and subfolder you would like to use for your new project.

The Git Repository dropdown will show all available repositories from your combined Git Accounts. After selecting a repository you can also view available “sparse folders” for the repository.


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