Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled Tasks

When an application or project request or pipeline gate/step is in the Scheduled status, the build or deployment has been scheduled for execution at a later date (typically due to a deployment window). In such cases the build or deployment will automatically become eligible for execution when that date/time is reached. However, a person with the required privileges (typically an administrator or someone from the operations team) has the option of releasing the request to occur immediately or cancelling the request. These users will access the Scheduled Tasks screen in FlexDeploy by selecting Tasks -> Scheduled Tasks from the menu.

FlexDeploy Administrators have permission to run or cancel all scheduled tasks.


To force the request to execute immediately, select the corresponding task and click the Run Now button. To cancel a request, select the corresponding task and click the Cancel button. If a task is forced to run now, or is canceled, the associated workflow will continue execution or fail as appropriate.

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