

Export APEX applications from App Builder environment. One or more Application is exported based on provided inputs. You can use this operation to export applications from development environment and commit to SCM on periodic basis. See example workflow below on this page. Example workflow is exporting applications in apexexport folder and then Git repository is cloned in to apexgitrepo, eventually exported files are copied in to cloned repository and committed.

Environment/Instance Properties

Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription

Folder where SQLcl is installed.

Use JDK 8 for Endpoint Java due to SQLcl requirements.

APEX UserFDAPEX_USERYesProvide database user APEX_xxxxx (APEX user requires INHERIT Privilege) or owner (parsing schema) of the application for export and import operations. You can use system user as well. 
APEX PasswordFDAPEX_PASSWORDYesPassword for APEX User. 
Oracle Database URLFDORA_URLYes

JDBC URL for Oracle database. For example:

  • jdbc:oracle:thin:@HOSTNAME:PORT:SID or
  • jdbc:oracle:thin:@//HOSTNAME:PORT/SERVICENAME.

Connecting to Oracle Autonomous Database

You will need client credential zip file (wallet) to connect with Oracle Autonomous Database on Oracle cloud. You can download wallet zip file from Oracle Cloud, you will need admin userid and password to perform this download.See Download Client Credentials (Wallets) for more details on how to download wallet file.

You must make sure that only authorized users have access to these wallet files. Unzip the client credentials zip file (wallet_databasename.zip) on endpoint where it will be used, which most likely will be FlexDeploy server as we generally use localhost endpoint for JDBC. For example, /home/flexdeploy/.wallets/<wallet_databasename> is folder where specific wallet file was unzipped. Make sure to secure this folder to FlexDeploy and/or Endpoint user, so that it is not readable by all users.

  • Database URL Syntax : jdbc:oracle:thin:@service_high?TNS_ADMIN=/home/flexdeploy/.wallets/<wallet_databasename>
  • Database URL Long Connection String Format Syntax : jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)(host=<hostname>))(connect_data=(service_name=<serice_name>))(security=(ssl_server_cert_dn="CN=<hostname>,OU=Oracle BMCS US,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Redwood City,ST=California,C=US")))
    • Examples for the same can be found here

Project Properties

Property Name

Property Code



Export Supporting Object Definitions


NoSpecify whether to export supporting object definitions with your application.


NoSpecify whether to include public reports with your application.


NoSpecify whether to include interactive report or interactive grid subscription settings with your application.


NoSpecify whether to include Developer Comments in your application export.


NoCheck to include Translations with your application export.


Input NameInput CodeRequiredDescription
Workspace Name


NoAPEX workspace name. If not provided, all applications matching name will be exported.
Application Name


NoAPEX application name. If not provided, all applications from workspace will be exported. If both names are not provided then all applications will be exported.
Export Folder


NoAbsolute or relative to temp directory path for exported applications.


Output NameDescription


This operation doesn’t consume or produce any artifacts.

Endpoint Selection

This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment/instance. You can use any Endpoint where SQLcl is installed and has connectivity to database using JDBC URL. We recommend use of LOCALHOST endpoint if connectivity can be established between FlexDeploy and your APEX database.

Endpoint Execution

This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.

Example Workflow

Export and commit to Git
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:WorkFlow xmlns:ns1="http://flexagon.com/flexdeploy/workflow/common" xmlns:ns0="http://flexagon.com/flexdeploy/workflow">
   <ns1:Name>Export Apex Applications</ns1:Name>
         <ns1:Name>Git Clone</ns1:Name>
         <ns1:Name>Copy exported files to local Git repo</ns1:Name>
                     <ns0:Expression>FD_TEMP_DIR + "/apexexport"</ns0:Expression>
                     <ns0:Expression>FD_TEMP_DIR + "/apexgitrepo/APEXV2"</ns0:Expression>
         <ns1:Name>Add any new Files</ns1:Name>
                  <ns0:Text>--all .</ns0:Text>
         <ns1:Name>Commit to Git</ns1:Name>
                  <ns0:Text>new apex files</ns0:Text>
         <ns1:Name>Push to Central Repository</ns1:Name>

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