run (utPLSQL)
Executes individual utPLSQL test packages using the run operation. utPLSQL version 2.3.1+ only.
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
utPLSQL Database User | FDUTPLSQL_DB_USER | Yes | User used to connect to the associated database. |
utPLSQL Database Password | FDUTPLSQL_DB_PASSWORD | Yes | Password for the utPLSQL Database User. |
utPLSQL Database Connection Identifier | FDUTPLSQL_DB_CONNECTION_IDENTIFIER | Yes | Identifier used to connect to the Database for utPLSQL testing. Simply the SID can be used if the database is on the same server as the endpoint (e.g. "xe " ). If connecting to a server remotely from the endpoint server, the identifier will need to follow the remote connection syntax (e.g. "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=localhost)(Port=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xe))) " ). |
utPLSQL Oracle Home Directory | FDUTPLSQL_ORACLE_HOME | Yes | Directory for Oracle Home (e.g. "oracle/product/11.2.0/xe "), used to run sqlplus. |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Test Package In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_TEST_PACKAGE_IN | Yes | The name of the test package to run. *If utPLSQL Database User is not the test package owner, do not schema-qualify the package. Instead, place the schema name in the |
Autocompile On | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_AUTOCOMPILE_ON | No | Pass FALSE to avoid auto-recompilation for the run operation. The default settings for utPLSQL is to re-compile your base package before each unit test. |
Prefix In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_PREFIX_IN | No | The prefix to be appended to |
Suite In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_SUITE_IN | No | The name of the suite that contains the specified test package. This is an optional value and is used to update statistics for the test. |
Owner In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_OWNER_IN | No | The name of the schema that contains the packages to be tested. |
From Suite In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_FROM_SUITE_IN | No | Pass TRUE to tell utPLSQL that this test is being run from within a test suite (for internal use only). |
Subprogram In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_SUBPROGRAM_IN | No | Pass a string to restrict which of the test procedures will be executed for this run. Default of '% ' means all tests will be run. |
This operation doesn’t consume or produce any artifacts.
Endpoint Selection
This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment/instance.
Endpoint Execution
This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.
Executes individual utPLSQL test packages using the run operation.
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