Creating Technology Instances (Getting Started)
Next we need to create instances for the technologies which we will be used for building and deploying. For the purpose of this guide, we will create a generic build instance to host our build-related technologies (i.e. JDeveloper), a build instance which has SOA Suite installed for our SOA related builds, and deployment target instances for ADF and SOA Suite.
So we will create the following four instances.
Instance | Description |
BuildInstance | A generic build instance. |
BuildSOA | A build instance for SOA Suite. |
ADF1 | A deployment instance for ADF. |
SOA1 | A deployment instance for SOA Suite. |
To view the list of instances defined within FlexDeploy, select Topology from the menu and then click on Instances.
Click the button to Create the Build instance using the information shown below.
Click the Enivironments tab.
Associate this Build Instance instance to the BLD environment by dragging from right side list of available environments on to middle selected environments section.
Click the Workflows tab to associate workflows to this instance. Since we have not created any workflows yet we will skip this step (we will revisit this later when we create workflows).
Click the Plugin Operations tan to associate plugin operations to this instance.
Here we need to associate the plugin operations which will run on this instance by dropping them from the list of available plugin operations on the right to the list of selected plugin operations on the middle. By associating plugin operations to the instance, we are indicating that any environment instance scoped properties defined for those plugin operations need to be configured for the instance across all selected environments. Likewise, any projects which reference the instance must define any associated project-scoped properties. We will tie this all together when we configure the environment instances and the projects later.
For the Build Instance instance, we need to associate the following plugin operations:
Click the Save button to save the changes to the instance and return to the list of FlexDeploy instances. Repeat the steps above to create the BuildSOA, ADF1 and SOA1 instances using the data provided below.
Field Name | Value |
Instance Id | N/A |
Instance Code | BUILDSOA |
Instance Name | BuildSOA |
Description | Instance for running SOA Builds. |
Target | Yes |
Active | Yes |
Associated Environments | BLD |
Associated Workflows | (Skip) |
Associated Plugin Operations | FlexagonSOAPlugin – |
Field Name | Value |
Instance Id | N/A |
Instance Code | ADF1 |
Instance Name | ADF1 |
Description | ADF1 |
Target | Yes |
Active | Yes |
Associated Environments | DEV |
Associated Workflows | (Skip) |
Associated Plugin Operations | FlexagonWLSPlugin – |
Field Name | Value |
Instance Id | N/A |
Instance Code | SOA1 |
Instance Name | SOA1 |
Description | SOA1 |
Target | Yes |
Active | Yes |
Associated Environments | DEV |
Associated Workflows | (Skip) |
Associated Plugin Operations | FlexagonSOAPlugin – |
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