analyzeLocalImage (Anchore)
This operation will scan a locally built docker image and upload the results to an Anchore Engine installation. If you are just looking to scan and not upload the results, see scanLocalImage. By default, the analyze operations do not return the analyzed results but that behavior can be changed by selecting Wait For Results.
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Anchore User |
| Yes | The Anchore User used when uploading the results. |
Anchore Password |
| Yes | The Anchore Password used when uploading the results. |
Anchore Url |
| Yes | The API url for the Anchore Engine install. Typically, http://yourhost:8228/v1 |
Image Name |
| Yes | The full image tag to analyze. For example, ubuntu:16.06 or myuser/myimage:latest |
Wait For Results |
| Yes | Should the plugin wait for the results or simply start the upload and complete. If you want to use the Groovy Fail Condition or Plugin Outputs this needs to be true. |
Groovy Fail Condition |
| No | Optional groovy script to determine if the scan should fail the workflow. Available variables include all FlexDeploy environment variables and the following scan result variables:
See more information here for configuring the Groovy Fail Condition. |
Scan Timeout |
| No | By default, the scan will timeout if it exceeds 900 seconds (15min). This is likely more than enough time, but the timeout can be increased here if needed. |
These outputs will only be returned if Wait For Results is true
This operation delegates the consume/produce artifacts decision to the workflow developer.
Endpoint Selection
This operation delegates endpoint selection to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default the selection to "All", which selects all available endpoints associated to the target. Selecting a specific resource will result in selection of endpoints associated to the target which have that resource defined.
Endpoint Execution
This operation delegates endpoint execution to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default to "Any", which will execute on any one of the selected endpoints, which will be randomly picked from selected endpoints or a specific endpoint where previous step may have executed. Changing this value to "All" to will result in execution on all selected endpoints.
Special Considerations
Anchore Engine Image Tags
This plugin uses Anchore CI Tools to perform local scanning/analyzing. Anchore Engine requires images to be pushed to a registry prior to analyzing. The Anchore CI Tools get around this by starting a temporary local Anchore container with a 'localbuild' registry. This allows you to scan and analyze images directly after building on your local docker engine.
What this means is that any images analyzed via this operation will be tagged in Anchore Engine with a localbuild registry, like so:
#local image
#image tag in Anchore Engine
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