FlexDeploy - Docker Plugin Guide

FlexDeploy - Docker Plugin Guide

The Docker plugin provides an easy way to manage and create Docker containers. The plugin has operations to build, push, and pull the Docker image.

Key Features

  • Create and delete Docker containers.

  • Run and create container operations also support pulling the image from the remote registry to run/create the container.

  • Connect a container to a network.

  • Use local image or get one from from different cloud container registries. e.g. Docker Hub, Amazon ECR, Microsoft ACR.

  • The plugin has operations to build, push, and pull the Docker image.

  • The plugin supports the push and pull of the image with specific or multiple tags for different cloud registries including Docker Hub, Amazon ECR, Microsoft Azure Container Registry, Google Container Registry and Oracle Container Registry.

  • The plugin also has operations to tag and remove the docker image.


  • This plugin has been tested with Docker Engine 18.09.7. It should work with most versions however.

Plugin Operations

To connect remotely with an IP, the docker daemon must be started with the -H option. To connect using a unix socket, run the docker plugin on the docker host.


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