Execution Settings

Execution Settings



Default Value



Default Value

Workflow Execution Threads

Provides the customer with the ability manage the thread pool size for workflow executions.

  • Workflow Execution Threads setting can now be updated without needing restart of FlexDeploy server.

  • Additionally, new system setting Project Execution Limits is now added to limit max number of concurrent workflow executions by Project. This can be useful if specific project deploys to many targets. This would allow other projects to continue executions and not exhaust all available threads in pool.

  • If workflow execution threads are exhausted, pending executions for environments higher in sort order will be considered first for execution when threads become available, i.e. preference will be given to environments at the bottom on environments list. For example, if Production is at the bottom of environment list then it will have highest preference for execution. See Environments to understand about environment sort order.

  • Deploy priority on Project or Release (defined on content page) will control execution order within specific environment. For example, if there is running execution (build, deploy, test, utility) in Dev environment for Project with priority of 1, then projects with priority of 2 or higher in Dev environment will be queued.


Project Execution Limits

Configure this by adding individual lines for projects that you want to enforce for maximum concurrent executions. Any line prefixed with # will be considered comment and will be ignored. Each limit applies per individual project, even when configured using Folder Name or a regular expression.

Each line must have two values separated by = sign. Put project Id or Regular Expression match for Project or Folder Name(project’s parent folder only) on the left side of equal sign and the max concurrent executions limit on the right side. The max concurrent execution limit should be 1 or higher. Regular Expression matches are only supported for the project or folder name. If project id is specified, it must match exactly the project id.


If the follow value is given:

122830=2 230343=5 *.OBI.*=4
  • Project with id 122830 will be allowed maximum of 2 concurrent workflow executions.

  • Project with id 230343 will be allowed maximum of 5 concurrent workflow executions.

  • Each project with OBI in name or projects directly located in Folders that contain OBI in the name will be allowed maximum of 4 concurrent workflow executions each. Note that each project matching this criteria will be allowed 4 maximum concurrent executions each.


Plugin Execution Threads

Provides the customer with the ability to manage the thread pool size for plugin executions.

  • Plugin Execution Threads setting can now be updated without needing restart of FlexDeploy server.

  • Endpoint now supports max concurrent setting to limit how many plugins can execute on a particular endpoint.

  • Plugin developers always had ability to limit number of concurrent executions by plugin. This is still supported and configured in plugin.xml but Endpoint max concurrent setting is more useful and easy to use.


Continuous Integration Threads

Provides the customer with the ability to manage the thread pool size for continuous integration executions.


Release Automation Threads

Provides the customer with the ability to manage the thread pool size for release automation executions.


SSH Keep Alive Interval

Sends keep alive message on SSH sessions to prevent firewalls from terminating idle connections. Set to 0 to disable Keep Alive for SSH connections.

240 (seconds)

SSH Timeout

Timeout setting in seconds for SSH connections to Endpoints during workflow execution. This value defaults to 0 which means no timeout.

If you decide to set this value, it should be smaller than Keep Alive Interval (i.e. both keep alive and timeout should be adjusted appropriately)


SSH Connect Timeout

Timeout setting in seconds to establish SSH connection. This value defaults to 10 seconds.

FlexDeploy will do 3 retries for connect if not successful, with 1 second delay between each attempt.



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