Scheduled Events

Scheduled Events

Scheduled Events can be used to trigger actions within FlexDeploy or in other applications based on user-defined time intervals. FlexDeploy offers the ability to execute any groovy script functions when the scheduled time is reached. For example, you can setup a Function to send out monthly reports on deployment history of environments over email. The flexibility of groovy scripts and FlexDeploy’s model allows users to accomplish exactly what they need.

Scheduled Events Flow

In order to take advantage of FlexDeploy’s Scheduled Events, you must first create a Function. When creating a function, setup a cron expression that specifies the interval of when the script will be executed. Once the next execution time specified by the cron expression is reached, FlexDeploy will automatically execute the script belonging to the function.


Scheduled Events can be accessed from Administration → Scheduled Events. This will show the Scheduled Event Messages that have been executed in FlexDeploy in the last week. You can click on any row to see more information about the scheduled event's execution or resubmit the message for debugging.


To configure Scheduled Events, we can press the button in the top right. This will take us to the page that will show all the Scheduled Event Functions configured in FlexDeploy. You can create a new function by clicking the button on the page.


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