Creating Projects From CSV
FlexDeploy lets users create many projects in a single action using a CSV template. This process allows users to create a number of project and associated Git Repositories from an import. Permissions to create projects in the desired folders and to create Git Repositories are necessary to complete the creation process.
About Creating Project From CSV
What you can create from CSV
Standard Projects
Package-Based Projects
Up to 100 Projects per upload
Projects with 1 Git based sources or No sources.
Folders for Projects
Git Instances for Project Sources
More than one Branch for Projects
What you cannot create from CSV
Utility Projects
Container Projects
More than 100 Projects per upload
Projects with Non-Git Sources
Projects with multiple sources
Packages for Package-Based Projects
Triggers for Projects
Target Groups
Build and Deploy Workflows
If you wish to create multiple projects at the same time, click Create From CSV on the Project creation page.
Create the CSV file with Appropriate Headers
Projects are created from a CSV file (Comma Separated Values) that contains data for the projects you are going to create. A CSV file with the headers that you need can be downloaded from FlexDeploy by pressing the Download Sample CSV button.
Select a build and deploy workflow to generate the Sample CSV. The column headers are generated in the file indicating all the data that must be populated to meet the requirements of the workflows.
Fill in Data Rows
Some of the columns in the CSV depend on the workflows that you selected. Others will appear in the file no matter which workflows you choose. The table below lists all the columns that you will have and explains that they are for and if they are optional for creating a project.
Column Header | Data Type | Required | Description |
ProjectName | String | Yes | The name of the project you wish to create |
FolderPath | String | Yes | The folder path to locate the project. Must start with FlexDeploy/ You can use a nested folder structure. The folders will be created, if you have permission to create them. |
Description | String | No | An optional description for the project. |
ProjectType | Enum Values | No | The type of the project you wish to create. If it is left blank in the CSV, a standard project is created. If populated, a Package-Based project will be created of the selected type. You will not be able to change between Standard and Package Based Classifications after upload. The available options are below. Project Type Name or Code to enter in the CSV. EBS - EBS |
DeploySequence | Integer | No | Optionally sets the deploy sequence for the project. |
NextProjectBuildNumber | Integer | No | Optionally sets the next build number for the project. Defaults to 1. |
BranchName | String | No | Optionally sets the branch name for the project. Defaults to the default branch from project defaults. More than one value can be entered separated by comma, in which case double quotes will be required around entire value. Tools like Excel will add the quotes automatically. |
VersionNameSyntax | String | No | Groovy Script Options sets the version name syntax (groovy) for the project. Defaults to the value from project defaults. More than one value can be entered separated by comma, in which case double quotes will be required around entire value. Tools like Excel will add the quotes automatically. |
NextBranchBuildNumber | Integer | No | Optionally sets the next build number for the main branch. Defaults to 1. More than one value can be entered separated by comma, in which case double quotes will be required around entire value. Tools like Excel will add the quotes automatically. |
SparseCheckoutFolders | String | No | Groovy Script Set’s the sparse checkout folder for the project. |
FDGIT_URL | String | Yes (If GIT Code is provided, Code will take priority) | Git URL you would like for the project source. If the URL matches an existing Git Instance, the instance will be used for project creation. If no Git Instance is found, the Git Instance will be required to create the project. If no matching Git instance exists, the current FlexDeploy user will be used to create one. As a result, you may want to assign create/modify integration instance permission to users that you want to create projects in bulk. |
FDGIT_CODE | String | Yes | Git Code for the project source control. If the Code matches an existing Git Instance, the instance will be used for project creation. If Both URL and Code are provided, Code will take priority. If Git instance does not exist for the matching Code, and URL is provided, URL will be considered. If no Git Instance is found, the current FlexDeploy user will be required to create a Git Instance for the project. As a result, you may want to assign create/modify integration instance permission to users that you want to create projects in bulk. |
FDGIT_USER | String | Yes | Git User. This is only required if a Git Instance is not found, and one is being created on project creation. |
FDGIT_PASSWORD | String | Yes | Git Password. This is only required if a Git Instance is not found, and one is being created on project creation. |
BuildWorkflow | String | Yes | The name of the workflow that you wish to use for building the project. A Valid Build Workflow is required in the CSV File in order to upload. Workflow is not editable after upload. |
DeployWorkflow | String | Yes | The name of the workflow that you wish to use for deploying the project. A Valid Deploy Workflow is required in the CSV File in order to upload. Workflow is not editable after upload. |
BuildTargetGroup | String | Yes | The Target Group Code of the target group that you wish to use for builds. Note - this is Code and not Name. |
DeployTargetGroup | String | Yes | The Target Group Code(s) of the target group that you wish to use for deployment. More than one value can be entered separated by comma, in which case double quotes will be required around entire value. Tools like Excel will add the quotes automatically. Note - this is Code and not Name. |
Additional Properties
Additional properties for each project can be included in the CSV as additional headers after the above data. These additional properties are dependent on the workflows that are being supplied for each project in the CSV that is uploaded.
The header for a column in the CSV pertaining to an addition property is the property code (FDEBS_APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME for example).
Property value must be valid as per Data Type.
All required properties must be populated before the project is considered valid for creation.
If a Property requires a Credential (is encrypted), then the Credential Name may be provided as the CSV value. It can be selected or changed after upload as well.
Upload the CSV
Once you add your data into the CSV, click on the Upload CSV