Group Mapping with External Directory Servers
FlexDeploy provides features to map external directory server groups to FlexDeploy groups, which makes it very easy to manage FlexDeploy users in your environment. Fine-grained access to FlexDeploy features is still controlled by FlexDeploy groups, and by mapping external directory groups to FlexDeploy groups, you essentially control access to FlexDeploy features. You can configure FlexDeploy group permissions using the Permissions page and from the Security section of individual objects supporting object-level permissions (folders/projects, target groups, releases, etc.).
In order to set up group mapping, first make sure to enable group mapping from the realm’s group mapping tab and provide the group search base and filter. If you haven’t already loaded external groups for this realm or they need to be refreshed, click the Fetch External Groups button or the Refresh External Groups button.
Select a specific FlexDeploy group to work with first. Then, search and select external groups to map to the selected FlexDeploy Group. See the figure below, where we have mapped the LDAP group Enterprise Admins to the FlexDeploy FD Administrators group.
Realm configuration changes including the mapping configuration require a recycle of the FlexDeploy server process, but changes to the groups being mapped do not require a recycle.
Apache Directory Server Realm
Active Directory Realm
FlexDeploy will use the User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) username instead of the normal one for active directory. See this picture for an example.
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