General Settings



Default Value



Default Value

Server Base URL 

FlexDeploy server base http URL. This is mainly used for links in email messages.


New User Role

Default role when new user is created using external realm authentication.


Session Inactivity Timeout

Number of minutes of inactivity which will invalidate the session and require the user to reauthenticate.  Changes are applied dynamically for new sessions.

@Since Session inactivity timeout is capped at 120 minutes.


SCM Quiet Time

Continuous integration quiet time (in seconds) before a build will happen after a change has been detected. Any additional changes made during this time will be included in the build.


Plugin Log Level

Sets the logging level for the plugins. You can provide one or more configurations as comma separated values. Supported configurations are by Plugin or Java Logger Name. If entry starts with logger: it means Java Logger name configuration.

Log Level By Plugin

  • Plugin Name=Level

    • Use Plugin name as All to set log level for All plugins.

    • Use specific Plugin Name from plugins page.

    • Example - FlexagonShellPlugin=FINEST

Log Level By Package Name

  • logger:logger_name=Level

    • Example - logger:com.mycompany=FINE

Level values can be SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST. As you move towards FINEST, more logs will be printed.


Report File Max Size (KB)

Maximum size of report file. Report file will be saved only if the size is less than or equal to the specified size.


Plugin Logs Max Size (KB)

Control amount of logs captured in Plugin Logs. These logs are visible on workflow execution screen using Plugin invocation status link. If logs are truncated, you will see following line at the end of logs.

....Plugin logs truncated due to max size limit....


SCM Revision Fetch Count

Maximum number of revisions to fetch from SCM Repository for file/folder


Show merge commits

Specify whether to show merge commits or not for Change Logs lookup screens. Only applies to Git.


REST Connect Timeout

Configure REST Connect timeout millis using regular expression for URL. Specify each URL match on the new line along with the timeout value separated by the = sign. URL will be matched from top to bottom till the match found. (.*flexdeploy.*=20000)


REST Read Timeout

Configure REST Read timeout millis using regular expression for URL. Specify each URL match on the new line along with the timeout value separated by the = sign. URL will be matched from top to bottom till the match found. (.*flexdeploy.*=20000)


The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style