FlexDeploy - SonarQube Plugin Guide

A plugin to manage SonarQube code analysis. This plugin allows a user to run Sonar scans on source code which generates reports for bugs, code smells, vulnerabilities, etc..Ā 

Supported Version

  • SonarQube 6.7+

  • SonarScanner 4.2+

  • A minimum of Java 7 must be used on the endpoint. Your Sonar version may require Java 11 or higher.

Key Features

  • Integrate Sonar scan results into your FlexDeploy workflows.

  • Easily configured by using analysis tool account integration.

  • Retrieve basic scan information of a specific scan given a task id.

  • Run a sonar scan and return its basic scan information after it is completed.

  • Provided browsable link to full SonarQube analysis after running any operation.

Plugin Operations

The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style