Generic Partial Deployment Projects

Generic Partial Deployment Projects

FlexDeploy provides Generic project type to implement customized partial deployment for specific type of artifacts. In future, FlexDeploy will provide ability to create specific project type and it's metadata but in meantime Generic project type should be utilized.

Where is this applicable?

This is useful when requirement is to track deployment of individual file. Make sure to check Partial Deployments flag when creating this project and select Generic as project type. Here are some scenarios where you can utilize Generic project type.

  1. Source control system has individual files defining WebSphere resource configuration and they needs to be deployed and tracked individually.
  2. Source control system has individual XML files exported from Oracle Data Integration objects and they need to be deployed and tracked individually.

When is this not applicable?

If you are working with all files of specific source folder to deliver compiled artifact and artifact file is deployed as single unit, you can just use regular projects, i.e. do not check Partial Deployments flag when creating project. For example,

  1. Source control system has set of Java files and libraries and it needs to be compiled as Jar file and it needs to be coped to specific folder during deployment. 

Object Type Identification

  • As there is only one object type called File, all files are detected as that type.
  • Files are sorted alphabetically.
  • In general, you will extract files from SCM like Git, Subversion when using Generic project type.

Object Type Code

  • FILE
    • Display Name - File


NameCodeDescriptionDefault ValueSupported Values
SourceSOURCEThis is hidden and defaults to SCMSCMSCM
Target LocationTARGETTarget Folder to place the file into. You can ignore this if value is not necessary for deployment.

Attribute 1ATTRIBUTE1You can ignore this if value is not necessary for deployment.

Attribute 2ATTRIBUTE2You can ignore this if value is not necessary for deployment.

Attribute 3ATTRIBUTE3You can ignore this if value is not necessary for deployment.

Attribute 4ATTRIBUTE4You can ignore this if value is not necessary for deployment.

Attribute 5ATTRIBUTE5You can ignore this if value is not necessary for deployment.

Related Project Properties

NameCodeDescriptionDefault ValueSupported Values


  • Workflows used by partial deployment projects must use plugin operations compatible with partial deployment capability. Refer plugin guides documentation but in this case use partialExecute operations from Unix Shell, Windows Shell and Powershell plugins. Other plugins like File can work with Generic project type, but that is not recommended to avoid confusion on various properties. Plugin SDK is not available for partial deployment operations yet.
  • Build workflow can be created with simple script code like echo $SOURCE_FILE. Files are automatically extracted from source control system when build is executed for partial deployment projects.
  • Deploy workflow should implement script necessary to deploy individual file.
  • Note that script provided with partialExecute is invoked for each individual file by plugin.
  • As always build and deploy workflow can define Project or Environment Instance scoped properties.

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