REST V1 Target Group Response

REST V1 Target Group Response


descriptionStringDescription of the Target Group.
environmentsList<Long>List of the Environment Ids that are associated with this Target Group.
workflowsList<Long>List of the workflow ids that are associated with this Target Group.
instanceIdStringThe unique id of the Target Group. The id is made when making the Target Group, and it is returned in the JSON.
instanceNameStringName of the Target Group.
isActiveBooleanWhether or not this Target Group is active.
pluginOperationsList<PluginOperation>List of the plugin operations that are associated with this Target Group.
instanceCodeStringThe code of the Target Group.
groupCodeStringThe group code of the Target Group.
subGroupCodeStringThe sub group code of the Target Group.
isDeploymentTargetBooleanWhether or not this instance is a deployment target.

A plugin operation, relative to an instance, is defined by the following two fields.

pluginIdLongThe plugin ID
operationStringThe name of the plugin operation

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