

Copies file(s) and folder(s) selected in the partialBuild operation to a specified target folder, runs property replacement on them, sets owner, group, permissions, and executes them as desired.

The project file attributes can be defaulted for the project using project properties. Then at populate or evaluate time, the defaults are used to fill the project file attributes. Those attributes are used at deploy time. The attributes are stored with the object, not the build, so it is possible to change the attributes and then deploy again without another build in between.

This operation can only be used in partial deployment projects of type file.

Environment/Instance Properties

Property Name

Property CodeRequired


Project Properties

Property Name

Property Code



Root Target Folder



The path in which to create and update file and folder objects. 

Unlike the rest of the properties on this operation, this one is not a default. Its value is pulled at deploy time, not populate and evaluate time.


When populating or evaluating Files, default the Use Source Path option to this.

Defaults to true(checked ).


When populating or evaluating project files, default the Ignore Failure value to this.

Defaults to false (unchecked ).

Owner:Group File DefaultFDFILE_OWNER_GROUP_FILE_DEFAULTNoWhen populating or evaluating Files, default the Owner:Group value to this.
Owner:Group Folder DefaultFDFILE_OWNER_GROUP_FOLDER_DEFAULTNoWhen populating or evaluating Folders, default the Owner:Group value to this.
Permissions File DefaultFDFILE_PERMISSION_FILE_DEFAULTNoWhen populating or evaluating Files, default the Permissions to this.
Permissions Folder DefaultFDFILE_PERMISSION_FOLDER_DEFAULTNoWhen populating or evaluating Folders, default the Permissions to this.

When populating or evaluating Files, default the Property Replacement option to this.

Defaults to true(checked ).


When populating or evaluating Files, default the execute option to this.

Defaults to false (unchecked ).


Input Name

Input Code




Output Name




This operation consumes a zipped artifact from the artifacts repository.

Endpoint Selection

This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the Environment/Instance.

Endpoint Execution

This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.

Partial Deployment File Object Type Details

The file plugin partial deploy support allows for deploying File and Folder type objects. This page explains the two types and their attributes.

File Objects

File type objects model files that are stored in SCM. They are used to copy files from an SCM to a filesystem on an endpoint. File objects can be sourced only from an SCM. They cannot be created manually. No attributes are required.

Sub-folders to the final target location of the file are created by the plugin as long as the endpoint user has sufficient privileges.


Default Value

This is the location where the file will be placed. Property replacement will be performed on the value.

If blank, the file will be copied into FD_TEMP_DIR. If the default is used, but the FDFILE_ROOT_TARGET_FOLDER project property is left blank, then the file will be copied into FD_TEMP_DIR.

Use Source Path

If this is NOT checked, the file will be placed directly in target.

If it is checked, the whole File Name with path will be placed inside the target.

Use Source Path Default is the project property to control the default.


Set the owner or owner:group of the file to this value.

This only work on Unix endpoints. On Windows endpoints, it is ignored.

Owner:Group File Default is the project property to control the default.

Set the permissions of the file to this value.

This only work on Unix endpoints. On Windows endpoints, it is ignored.

If it is not set, and Execute is checked, chmod +x will be run on the file if it is a Unix endpoint.

Permissions File Default is the project property to control the default.
Property ReplacementIf checked, property replacement will be run on the file, unless it appears to be a binary file, and then it will be skipped for property replacement.Property Replacement Default is the project property to control the default.
ExecuteIf checked the file will be executed. This works on both Windows and Unix.Execute Default is the project property to control the default.
ArgumentsArguments appended to the execution if executed.Default value is empty.
Ignore FailureIf checked, the file and the execution will be marked successful even if it fails to be processed in any way. The failure will still be logged, but there will be no other indication.Ignore Failure Defaultis the project property to control the default.

Folder Objects

Folder objects are created manually. They cannot be populated from SCM, but it is possible to add a folder that replicates one in an SCM.

You can "Create" a folder that already exists on the file system for the purpose of changing attributes on the existing directory. This can be done on folders that are created as part of the SCM structure, or any other folders desired on the file system.


Default Value
Target Location

This is the location where the file will be placed. Property replacement will be performed on the value.

If blank, the folder will be created in FD_TEMP_DIR. If the default is used, but the FDFILE_ROOT_TARGET_FOLDER project property is left blank, then the folder will be created in FD_TEMP_DIR.


Set the owner or owner:group of the folder to this value.

This only work on Unix endpoints. On Windows endpoints, it is ignored.

Owner:Group Folder Default is the project property to control the default.

Set the permissions of the folder to this value.

This only work on Unix endpoints. On Windows endpoints, it is ignored.

Permissions Folder Default is the project property to control the default.
Property ReplacementIf checked, property replacement will be run on the file, unless it appears to be a binary file, and then it will be skipped for property replacement.Property Replacement Defaultis the project property to control the default.

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