

Sends a message to a Slack workspace. This operation takes a few inputs that will build a simple message along with a Slack Account Code and sends a message to the channel based on the input given. 

All Slack operations require a Slack Messaging Account.

Environment/Instance Properties

Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription

Project Properties

Input NameInput CodeRequiredDescription


Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription
FDSLACK_INP_CLOUD_ACCT_CODEYesSlack account code from Topology->Integrations->Messaging 
Channel Name or IdFDSLACK_INP_CHANNELYesName or Id of channel that the notification will be sent. For example, "random". Use user channel Id to send direct messages (String)
FDSLACK_INP_ICON_EMOJINoThe emoji that will be used as the icon for the bot. An example is ":chart_with_upwards_trend:" . A list of some of the emojis can be found here. If using this Send as Authed User input must be false. (String)
Icon URLFDSLACK_INP_ICON_URLNoThe URL for the image that will be used as the icon for the bot. An example is " https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/slack-files2/bot_icons/2019-12-27/874826668114_48.png". If using this Send as Authed User input must be false. (String)
FDSLACK_INP_TEXTYesText for the message that will be sent. (String)


Output NameDescription
FDSLACK_OUT_MESSAGE_TSResulting Slack Message Id (TS id) of the newly created message. This can be used start or reply to threads.


This operation delegates the consume artifacts decision to the workflow developer.

Endpoint Selection

This operation delegates the selection to the workflow developer to determine.

Endpoint Execution 

This operations delegates the execution to the workflow developer to decide

Special Considerations

Below is an example. This will send a message to a channel called flexdeploy-demo.

Below is the final result in the flexdeploy-demo channel.

The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style