Azure Synapse Deployment - Package Based Approach


We have previously specified how Azure Synapse Artifacts deployment can be achieved using FlexDeploy in this article. In the current article we are going to elaborate more on how to implement package-based deployment for the same.


There are two approaches we follow here:

  • Approach A:

Configuring a Generic Package based project, create and deploy the ARM templates being generated based on those specific resources.

  • Approach B:

First Phase - Configuring a Generic Package based project, create the ARM template based on the specific resources and store it in a repository. This repository may contain all the ARM templates corresponding to different packages. Will showcase it later in this tutorial.

Second Phase - Configuring another package-based project that will fetching the ARM template from the repository and initiate the Synapse Release pipeline.

The benefit of the second approach is there would be more control over the ARM template which can be edited as needed by adding a new parameter or variables or something else.

Flow (Approach A)

Workflow configuration

Build Workflow:


steps:   - id: '1'     name: publishArtifacts     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonAzurePlugin       pluginOperation: publishArtifacts       inputs:         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_FEED           value:             value: FEED_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PACKAGE_NAME           value:             value: FD_PACKAGE_NAME + "-" + ARTIFACTS_PACKAGE_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PACKAGE_VERSION           value:             value: PACKAGE_VERSION             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PROJECT_NAME           value:             value: PROJECT_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PACKAGE_PATH           value:             value: FD_TEMP_DIR             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs:         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_ERR         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_RESP       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []   - id: '2'     name: buildPipeline     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonAzurePlugin       pluginOperation: buildPipeline       inputs:         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_DEFINITION_NAME           value:             value: BUILD_DEFINITION_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_BUILD_DEFINITION_ID           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_QUEUE_ID           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_COMMIT_ID           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_BRANCH_NAME           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PROJECT_NAME           value:             value: PROJECT_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_VARIABLES_LIST           value:             value: >-               VARIABLES_LIST + "##artifactsPackageName:" + FD_PACKAGE_NAME + "-"               + ARTIFACTS_PACKAGE_NAME + "##feedName:" + PROJECT_NAME + "/" +               FEED_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PACKAGE_NAME           value:             value: FD_PACKAGE_NAME + "-" + PACKAGE_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs:         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_ERR         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_RESP         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_BUILD_PIPELINE_WEB_URL       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []   - id: '3'     name: downloadArtifacts     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonAzurePlugin       pluginOperation: downloadArtifacts       inputs:         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_FEED           value:             value: FEED_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PACKAGE_NAME           value:             value: FD_PACKAGE_NAME + "-" + PACKAGE_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PACKAGE_VERSION           value:             value: PACKAGE_VERSION             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PROJECT_NAME           value:             value: PROJECT_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PACKAGE_PATH           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: true       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs:         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_ERR         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_RESP       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []


Deploy Workflow:


variables:   - code: ENV_DETAILS     dataType: String     returnAsOutput: true     constant: false     encrypted: false     scope: LOCAL   - code: RELEASE_ID     dataType: String     returnAsOutput: true     constant: false     encrypted: false     scope: LOCAL   - code: ENVIRONMENT_ID     dataType: String     returnAsOutput: true     constant: false     encrypted: false     scope: LOCAL   - code: RELEASE_URL     dataType: String     returnAsOutput: true     constant: false     encrypted: false     scope: LOCAL steps:   - id: '1'     name: createRelease     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonAzurePlugin       pluginOperation: createRelease       inputs:         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_RELEASE_DEFINITION_ID           value:             value: RELEASE_DEFINITION_ID             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_ARTIFACTS_PAYLOAD           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PROJECT_NAME           value:             value: PROJECT_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_VARIABLES_LIST           value:             value: >-               "feedName:" + PROJECT_NAME + "/" + FEED_NAME + "##packageName:" +               FD_PACKAGE_NAME + "-" + PACKAGE_NAME + "##packageVersion:" +               PACKAGE_VERSION             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PROPERTIES           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_MANUAL_ENVIRONMENTS           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_RELEASE_STATUS_CHECK           value:             value: 'false'             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs:         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_RESP         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_RELEASE_WEB_URL         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_REL_ENV_STAGE_DETAILS           variable: ENV_DETAILS         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_RELEASE_ID           variable: RELEASE_ID       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []   - id: '2'     name: Parse Environment specific Id     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonXPathPlugin       pluginOperation: parseJson       inputs:         - name: FDP_SOURCE           value:             value: ENV_DETAILS             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDP_XPATH           value:             value: '''$..[?(\''''+FD_ENVIRONMENT_NAME+''\'')].id'''             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs:         - output: FDP_VALUE           variable: ENVIRONMENT_ID       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []   - id: '3'     name: updateReleaseEnvStatus     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonAzurePlugin       pluginOperation: updateReleaseEnvStatus       inputs:         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_RELEASE_ID           value:             value: RELEASE_ID             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_ID           value:             value: ENVIRONMENT_ID.substring(1,ENVIRONMENT_ID.length()-1)             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_PROJECT_NAME           value:             value: PROJECT_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_STATUS           value:             value: InProgress             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_VARIABLES_LIST           value:             value: ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_LIST             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_RELEASE_COMMENT           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_SCHEDULED_DEPLOYMENT_TIME           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDAZ_DEVOPS_INP_REL_ENV_STATUS_CHECK           value:             value: 'true'             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs:         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_RESP         - output: FDAZ_DEVOPS_OUT_REL_ENV_WEB_URL           variable: RELEASE_URL       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []

Project Configuration

Create a Project by choosing the Classification: Package-based and Project Types as Generic

Once it is created the Source Control needs to be configured, so that we can discover the files from the respective repository.


For example, this is how the repository looks like where we have all the artifacts uploaded from Synapse Dev Workspace.

Discover the files using File Catalog tab

Now we can create Package upon selecting specific files for which the ARM template should get generated and the specific resources would be deployed to the Target Synapse Workspace.

Say we have two pipelines in repository but want to deploy only one to the target workspace, in that case we can create a package and add the pipeline file in it.


Click on the Configuration tab, select General and update the Build and Deploy workflows along with respective Target groups.


Initiate Build on the selected Package “pipeline”.

Note: The ARM templates are published to Azure DevOps Feed as Artifacts with the package name as a keyword in it. Example: if the FD project name is SynapseOrchestration-Incremental and the package name is “pipeline” then the artifacts package name would be “pipeline-synapseorchestration-incremental-armtemplate“. Now Microsoft has certain restrictions on the naming of the Azure Artifacts, hence please follow the guide before you name the package that you create in FD or else adjust your workflow to be in compliance.

To verify, clicked on the Artifacts tab and verified the ARM template and it shows up with just one selected pipeline.

Now initiated the Deploy.

Flow (Approach B)

Workflow configuration for creating ARM template and upload to Repository

Build Workflow:

Note: For uploading the ARM template to repository, we have created another DevOps repository as az-synapse-arm and configured it in FlexDeploy-Integration with the code SYNAPSEARM.

If you have some other repository present in GITHUB or Azure DevOps anywhere and want to use that, then please create accordingly and use the correct Instance Code in the workflow pasted below.


steps:   - id: '1'     name: clone     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonGITPlugin       pluginOperation: clone       inputs:         - name: FDGIT_INP_INSTANCE_CODE           value:             value: SYNAPSEARM             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_DEST_SUBFOLDER           value:             value: ARMTemplates             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_BRANCH           value:             value: flexdeploy             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_TREELESS_CLONE           value:             value: 'false'             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_DEPTH           value:             value: ''             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_SPARSE_CHECKOUT_FOLDERS           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs: []       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []   - id: '2'     name: Invoke Workflow     type: INVOKE_WORKFLOW     data:       inputs: []       workflowId: 7080183       outputs: []   - id: '3'     name: copy     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonFilePlugin       pluginOperation: copy       inputs:         - name: FDFILE_INP_FILE_FILTER           value:             value: Template*.json             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDFILE_INP_FILE_FILTER_EXCLUDED           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDFILE_INP_SOURCE_PATH           value:             value: FD_ARTIFACTS_DIR             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDFILE_INP_TARGET_PATH           value:             value: FD_TEMP_DIR+"/ARMTemplates/"+FD_PACKAGE_NAME             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDFILE_INP_CLEAN_DIRECTORY           value:             value: 'true'             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs: []       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []   - id: '4'     name: add     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonGITPlugin       pluginOperation: add       inputs:         - name: FDGIT_INP_INSTANCE_CODE           value:             value: SYNAPSEARM             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_DEST_SUBFOLDER           value:             value: ARMTemplates             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_FILELIST           value:             value: .             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs: []       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []   - id: '5'     name: commit     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonGITPlugin       pluginOperation: commit       inputs:         - name: FDGIT_INP_INSTANCE_CODE           value:             value: SYNAPSEARM             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_DEST_SUBFOLDER           value:             value: ARMTemplates             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_NAME           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_EMAIL           value:             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_REVISION_MESSAGE           value:             value: '"ARM Template updated: "+ FD_PROJECT_VERSION'             isExpression: true           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs: []       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []   - id: '6'     name: push     type: INVOKE_PLUGIN     data:       pluginName: FlexagonGITPlugin       pluginOperation: push       inputs:         - name: FDGIT_INP_INSTANCE_CODE           value:             value: SYNAPSEARM             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_DEST_SUBFOLDER           value:             value: ARMTemplates             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_BRANCH           value:             value: flexdeploy             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false         - name: FDGIT_INP_FOLLOW_TAGS           value:             value: 'false'             isExpression: false           isEncrypted: false       endpointInstanceOverride:         isExpression: false       consumesArtifacts: false       producesArtifacts: false       endpointSelection:         choice: All       endpointExecution:         choice: Any         stopOnError: false       outputs: []       userInputs: []       userOutputs: []

Project Configuration

Create a Project by choosing the Classification: Package-based and Project Types as Generic

Once it is created the Source Control needs to be configured, so that we can discover the files from the respective repository.


For example, this is how the repository looks like where we have all the artifacts uploaded from Synapse Dev Workspace.

Discover the files using File Catalog tab

Now we can create Package upon selecting specific files for which the ARM template should get generated and the specific resources would be deployed to the Target Synapse Workspace.

Say we want to selectively migrate the linkedservice AzureBlobStorageDemo to the target workspace, in that case we can create a package linkedservice and add it in.

Click on the Configuration tab, select General and update the Build workflow with respective Target groups.

We are not configuring any Deploy workflow in this Project for the purpose of this Tutorial, as all we need is to create the ARM template and upload it to GIT.


Initiate Build on the selected Package “linkedservice”.

Note: The ARM templates are published to Azure DevOps Feed as Artifacts with the package name as a keyword in it. Example: if the FD project name is ExtractSynapseArtifacts and the package name is “linkedservice” then the artifacts package name would be “linkedservice-extractsynapseartifacts-armtemplate“. Now Microsoft has certain restrictions on the naming of the Azure Artifacts, hence please follow the guide before you name the package that you create in FD or else adjust your workflow to be in compliance.

To verify, clicked on the Artifacts tab and verified the ARM template and it shows up with just one selected pipeline.

The ARM template is now uploaded to repository

The folder name is following the naming we selected for the package name in FD for right control. If any parameter is to be added/updated or some other manipulation is to be done in the ARM template json in terms of variables or parameters, it can be done. But the integrity of the json file should remain intact.

Workflow configuration for fetching the ARM template from the repository and initiate the Synapse Release pipeline

Build Workflow:


Deploy Workflow:


Project Configuration

Create a Project by choosing the Classification: Package-based and Project Types as Generic

Once it is created the Source Control needs to be configured, so that we can discover the files from the respective repository. This time the source control is the one where we have uploaded the ARM template.

Discover the files using File Catalog tab

Now we can create Package upon selecting specific ARM template that to be deployed to the Target Synapse Workspace.

Click on the Configuration tab, select General and update the Build and Deploy workflows with respective Target groups.

Parameterizing the values

Replacement configuration on Project

Starting 7.0 we have a new feature that allows us to replace a string in any file with another string based on as it is executed to different environment. Ref: Replacements - FlexDeploy 7.0 - Confluence (

For our use-case a specific parameter as below is created in the Linked Service:


Our objective is that when this linked service gets deployed to target cicd-demo-uat workspace, the value would get replaced with “UAT”.

In the ARM template that we stored in repository, it shows up like this:

Using Environment Variables for the parameters

Say the linked service we are using is having the connection params in the source workspace as the following:


The parameter file in ARM template folder looks like:

If the value for the Storage Account is to be changed then the parameter needs to be passed in AzureBlobStorageDemo_connectionString.

Hence, we can configure the below connection string with the parameter name in the Target Group properties for the code: ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_LIST.

Anything that is specified as parameter in the ARM templates, can be parameterized like above during deployment to Target Workspace


Initiate Build on the selected Package “linkedservice”.

To verify, clicked on the Artifacts tab and verified the ARM template.


Click on Deploy for the same

Post deployment if we verify the Linked Service in UAT workspace, we see the updated values in there:


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