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Undeploy an EAR or WAR file from Partition, Resource Group, Resource Group Template or WebLogic Cluster/Server. The following properties are used to specify the location to undeploy
is used. Read about the deployment options of 12.2.1 at https://blogs.oracle.com/WebLogicServer/entry/domain_partitions_for_multi_tenancy.
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Oracle Weblogic Home (WL_HOME) |
| Yes | WebLogic Home Directory. (e.g. /u01/oracle/products/fmw/wlserver) |
Weblogic Domain Name |
| Yes | WebLogic Domain Name. |
Weblogic Admin Listen Address |
| Yes | The listener address of the WLS admin server. (e.g. localhost) |
Weblogic Admin Listen Port |
| Yes | The port of the WLS admin server. (e.g. 7001) |
Weblogic Admin SSL Connection |
| No | Indicates whether the admin server is using SSL. |
Weblogic Admin User |
| Yes | The user name for the WLS admin server. |
Weblogic Admin Password |
| Yes | The password for |
Weblogic Application Install Directory |
| No | Base directory to install the WebLogic deployments from.
Weblogic Deployment Max # of Versions |
| No | When undeploying, if using versioning, keep how many versions? Defaults to 5. |
Weblogic Undeployment Timeout | FDWLS_UNDEPLOY_TIMEOUT | No | The timeout (milliseconds) for the Weblogic undeploy operation. Defaults to 300000. |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Weblogic Shared Library Name |
| Yes | The name of the library to be undeployed. |
Weblogic Partition |
| No | WLS Partition - used in WLS 12.2.1+ |
Weblogic Resource Group |
| No | WLS Resource Group - used in WLS 12.2.1+ |
Weblogic Resource Group Template |
| No | WLS Resource Group Template - used in WLS 12.2.1+ |
Weblogic Versioned Deployment |
| No | Determines whether the plugin will deploy the artifact with a version label. |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Output Name | Required | Description |
This operation doesn't consume or produce any artifacts.
Endpoint Selection
This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment instance which have a resource type of WLS Admin Server. Since the admin server only runs on one server, it is expected that for a given domain, there will only be one endpoint with a resource type set to WLS Admin Server.
Endpoint Execution
This operation will execute on the Admin Server endpoint selected using the WLS Admin Server resource type.
Special Considerations
Locking occurs on the endpoint to ensure multiple configuration change are not concurrently being deployed at the same time for a domain. The lock files are located in {Base Working Directory for the endpoint}/locks with a file name of {Environment Code}_{WebLogic Domain Name}.
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