Global Permissions

Global Permissions

Global Permissions define the authority a group’s members have for the various objects within FlexDeploy. Members of Admin Groups have all privileges across the FlexDeploy system. To designate a group as an Admin Group, use the groups screen.

For other non-admin groups, use the Global Permissions screen to grant access to screens, or rights to view or modify data in FlexDeploy.

To get to Global Permissions, navigate in the menu to SecurityPermissions.

You can grant full read-only access to FlexDeploy using the Grant Read Only button in the top right. Typically users benefit from being able to see the data on all the screens. This is especially helpful in trouble-shooting scenarios. This does not grant the access to view the plain-text values of secrets stored in FlexDeploy, but it allows users to see that topology isn’t connected properly, or that a workflow wasn’t activated.

You can filter using the filter box in the top left to see the permissions for a certain group. Once you do, the rows below that don’t grant any permissions to that group will be hidden. Rows that do will remain. If the user has read-only permission, the row will be there, and you can easily add and write permissions that are available for that row. Not all permissions have separate read and write access.

Permission descriptions are shown below each available permission.

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