FlexDeploy - Unix Shell Plugin Guide

The Unix Shell plugin provides a means to run any shell command(s) or any existing shell script(s).

Refer to the FlexDeploy - Variables Guide for reference on available variables.

Supported Versions

  • OEL5-9

  • AIX

  • Solaris

Key Features

  • User-defined inputs/outputs allowed

  • Can run any shell command(s)

  • Can run any shell script(s)

Plugin Operations

Special Considerations

Shell plugin operations allow for restricting environment variables passed to child process. See Restrict Environment and No Secure Variables plugin inputs. Although note that FlexDeploy plugin execution context environment variables will always be present in child process. For example, FD_TEMP_DIR, FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE etc. and more will be part of child process environment. This should not cause any issues but if that is not desired in cases where you are starting server process (long running) then you can take approach shown below to clear environment. Here is shell plugin script code (Groovy) to start tomcat process without inheriting parent plugin process’s environment.

'env -i HOME=\"$HOME\" bash -l -c \'cd ' + FDTOM_CATALINA_HOME + '/bin && nohup ./startup.sh \\& && sleep 10\''


The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style