Snapshot Content

The Snapshot Content tab displays the projects/packages contained in the snapshot, and their versions.

Snapshot Content UI






Snapshot Selection

At any given time only a single snapshot is displayed. You can change what snapshot is currently being displayed from this dropdown. Select a snapshot to view the content for that particular snapshot.


Show Revisions

By default only the Projects and Packages are shown in the table. You can optionally view the files in the Packages and/or the commits by either checking this box or by expanding the individual row.


Content Toggle

Each snapshot consists of two main facets: the content and the execution (dashboard).

  • Content - When creating a new Snapshot, all Projects and Packages included in the Release get built and versioned. These versioned builds are known as the Snapshot Content

  • Dashboard - Once the Snapshot Content has been built, it is submitted to the Pipeline configured on the Release. The process of the Snapshot Content flowing through the Pipeline is called a Pipeline Execution and this is exactly what the dashboard displays.

By default the Dashboard tab will be shown if the Pipeline Execution has started. At any point however you may switch to content and vice versa via this toggle.


Options Menu

Within the options menu you have access to a variety of features and utilities, the most notable being Compare Snapshot and Export which are covered in more detail down below.







Snapshot Status

The most common Snapshot statuses are:

  • Pending - The Snapshot is currently building

  • Initiated - The Snapshot has finished building and is now processing through the Pipeline Execution

For a complete list of Snapshot Statuses take a look in the appendix.


Quick Filters

Here you can quickly filter the rows in the table by status, especially handy if you have multiple pages of Projects/Packages in your Release.

For a complete list of Snapshot Version Statuses take a look in the appendix.


Files and Revisions

Depending upon whether you have expanded a Package or a Project you may see different results here:

  • Project - Shown will be all source control commits for the Project in this Snapshot

  • Package - Each file in the Package will be shown here and the latest commit for that file.

Snapshot Compare

As Release Content is continuously updated and new Snapshots continue to move through the Release it becomes increasingly beneficial to have a way to compare Snapshot Content with either other Snapshots or the current state of Environments in FlexDeploy. Both of these features can be handled in the Compare Snapshot popup which can be opened from the Options Menu (see above) on the Snapshot Content page.

A few key terms before jumping in:

  • Source - This is the Snapshot you opened the compare popup on. All compares from this point forward will have the same Source

  • Target - This is the Snapshot or Environment you are comparing your Source against.






Compare Toggle

When comparing a snapshot you have two options:

Snapshot Compare - Compare against other Snapshots in this Release (Default)

Environment Compare - Compare against what is currently deployed to a specific Environment


Compare Select

Depending upon your toggle selection in #1, here will list available Snapshots or Environments you can compare with.


Differences Only

When comparing you have the option to show all content or only the differences between the Snapshot and your Compare Target. By default, Only Differences is checked as true.

How comparisons work

  • Older - A Project or Package is older (displayed in red), if the SCM Revision is older in the Source Snapshot when compared with the Target. If no SCM Revision exists then it is determined from the Project Version.

  • Newer - A Project or Package is newer (displayed in green), if the SCM Revision is newer in the Source Snapshot when compared with the Target. If no SCM Revision exists then it is determined from the Project Version.

  • Same - If A Project or Package has the same SCM Revision or Project Version then they are equal and display in the default font color.

Snapshot Export

Unlike most views, Snapshot Content has two distinct datasets that are displayed in unison for better clarity. However when exporting we do not manipulate or transform the data in anyway, so each dataset is exported separately.

To export simply click on the Export option from the Options Menu (see above).

In the popup you have option to export as csv or pdf and more importantly decide which dataset to export (note that you can select both. If you do, two files will be downloaded).

  • Snapshot Versions Export

    • Export the Projects and Packages included in this Snapshot. Does not include commit info.

  • Snapshot Commits Export

    • Export the source control commits included in this Snapshot.

The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style