Scan Gate

Scan Gate

The Scan gate evaluates any scans that were executed within the current pipeline execution on build and/or in selected previous stage to determine whether the configured scan qualifiers are met. If the qualifiers are met, the execution is passed through the gate.  If any of the qualifiers are not met, the stage gate execution is marked as failed, and the pipeline execution fails.






The name of the gate.


An optional description for the gate.

Scan Qualifier

The qualifying conditions to determine if the scans configured have passed according to requirements. Possible values out of the box are:

  • Number of vulnerabilities less than - For All Projects

  • Number of vulnerabilities less than - For Each Project

Critical Issues Count

Maximum number of Critical issues allowed in the scan results before the gate is failed.

High Issues Count

Maximum number of High issues allowed in the scan results before the gate is failed.

Medium Issues Count

Maximum number of Medium issues allowed in the scan results before the gate is failed.

Low Issues Count

Maximum number of Low issues allowed in the scan results before the gate is failed.

All Issues Count

Maximum number of issues of all types allowed in the scan results before the gate is failed.

Scan Environments

The FlexDeploy environment/stage within this pipeline to include in the scan results. Scans during build are always included.

Scan Override Role

An optional pipeline role that has privileges to override the gate in case of scans not passing defined qualifiers. 

Optionally, use a Groovy expression to make this field dynamic based on some contextual value (e.g. a property defined on the pipeline, and specified on the release).

When using a role script you can dynamically return a key/value pair. For example return [type: 'groupName', value: 'FD Administrators']. Supported types are roleId, roleName, groupId, and groupName. You can return Map with single key/value pair or list of such single key/value maps.

If not specified, user with Manage Gate Execution pipeline permission (via Role membership) or a FlexDeploy Administrator can override the gate.


An optional Groovy script which determines whether the gate or step is applicable during execution. The script has access to variables and methods listed in Pipeline Groovy Variables and Methods. You can find these variables and methods while using the Groovy Editor.

The script must return true if the gate is applicable, or false otherwise.  If no script is provided, the default is to return true (applicable).

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