Capture logs for slow response
If FlexDeploy is responding very slowly, provide the following details to support team
See details below.
Provide exact time of issue.
Explain issue in detail including screen shots.
Provide output of sar and free -m commands on FlexDeploy server.
Increase log level to FINEST for two loggers - flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.framework.proxies.FlexOraclePreparedStatementProxy and flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.framework.impl.FlexCRUDStatement.
Look for SLOW, SLOWER, SLOWEST word in log files.
Capture server logs including .out files, flexdeploy*log files, gc logs as shown below.
Go to Menu → Admin Operations
Select Change Log Level Operation and Change Log Level to FINEST
Select View and Download Logs Operation and Download Last 24 Hour Logs
After Downloading, Make sure to Change Log Level to INFO
Capture thread dumps and include it with other details.
# First find process id by using ps command, for example
ps -ef | grep java
# Locate JAVA_HOME and cd to execute jstack
cd $JAVA_HOME/bin
# Take 5 thread dumps at least 10 seconds apart. See below, where # will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
./jstack -l <pid> > /var/tmp/threaddump_#.txt
# if jstack does not work, use kill -3 <pid> to get thread dumps.
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