Capture logs for slow response


If FlexDeploy is responding very slowly, provide the following details to support team


See details below.

  • Provide exact time of issue.

  • Explain issue in detail including screen shots.

  • Provide output of sar and free -m commands on FlexDeploy server.

  • Increase log level to FINEST for two loggers - flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.framework.proxies.FlexOraclePreparedStatementProxy and flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.framework.impl.FlexCRUDStatement.

    • Look for SLOW, SLOWER, SLOWEST word in log files.

  • Capture server logs including .out files, flexdeploy*log files, gc logs as shown below.

  • Capture thread dumps and include it with other details.

# First find process id by using ps command, for example ps -ef | grep java # Locate JAVA_HOME and cd to execute jstack cd $JAVA_HOME/bin # Take 5 thread dumps at least 10 seconds apart. See below, where # will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ./jstack -l <pid> > /var/tmp/threaddump_#.txt # if jstack does not work, use kill -3 <pid> to get thread dumps.

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