EndPoint API

EndPoint API

Endpoints can be accessed and modified through this API using four services: GET, POST, PUT, and PATCH. These four services allow for the retrieval, creation, complete update, and partial update of endpoints.

Authentication - Use Basic Authentication for this API.


There are three implementations of GET. One will find an Endpoint with the given Id and return the JSON representation of the Endpoint. The next one will find a list of Endpoints matching the parameters supplied to it. The last one will test the connection to an endpoint.


This GET service will find an Endpoint with the given Id and return the JSON representation of the object.




IdYesURLThis is a URL parameter for the Id which is used to find and return an Endpoint





endpointIdLongThis is an identification number of an existing Endpoint.
endpointNameStringThis is the unique name of the corresponding Endpoint.
descriptionStringThis is a description of the Endpoint.
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Endpoint is active. 
connectionTypeStringThis specifies the connection Type.
osTypeStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the operating system type used in the corresponding remote connection.
endpointAddressStringThis is a String associated with the address of the endpoint.
endpointPortStringThis is a port associated with an SSH connection.
baseDirectoryStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the base directory of the corresponding Endpoint.
isBaseDirectoryExpressionString"Y" if the base directory is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
javaPathStringThis is a character sequence that specifies the java path of the corresponding Endpoint.
isJavaPathExpressionString"Y" if the Java path is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
passwordStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passwordCredentialId is set or not.
passwordCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint password.
privateKeyStringFully-qualified path of the SSH private key file.
passphraseStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passphraseCredentialId is set or not.
passphraseCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint passphrase.
runAsUserNameStringAn optional user to run as (using sudo) after establishing connection to the endpoint.
dockerHostBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is docker engine.
k8sClusterBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is kubernetes engine.
k8sContextStringName of the configured K8s context.
endpointGroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding group.
endpointSubgroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding sub-group.

Response Codes

HTTP CodeDescription
200Endpoint was found and returned
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Endpoint not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an endpoint in our database with an Id of 13901 and had the following attributes

Endpoint 13910
    "endpointId": 13910,
    "endpointName": "GOODPOST1",
    "description": "description",
    "isActive": true,
    "connectionType": "SSH",
    "osType": "UNIX",
    "endpointAddress": "NotNeeded00",
    "endpointPort": "1",
    "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
    "isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
    "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
    "isJavaPathExpression": "N",
    "userName": "userName",
    "passwordCredentialId": 12345,
    "privateKey": "privateKey",
    "runAsUserName": "TestInput",
    "endpointGroup": "endpointGroup",
	"transferProtocol": "SCP",
    "endpointSubgroup": "subGroupTester"


When we run a GET request at the following URL


The GET request would return the following JSON endpoint object

Endpoint GET Return JSON
    "endpointId": 13910,
    "endpointName": "GOODPOST1",
    "description": "description",
    "isActive": true,
    "connectionType": "SSH",
    "osType": "UNIX",
    "endpointAddress": "NotNeeded00",
    "endpointPort": "1",
    "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
    "isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
    "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
    "isJavaPathExpression": "N",
    "userName": "userName",
    "password": "*****",
    "passwordCredentialId": 12345,
    "privateKey": "privateKey",
    "passphrase": "*****",
    "passphraseCredentialId": 54321,
    "runAsUserName": "TestInput",
    "endpointGroup": "endpointGroup",
    "endpointSubgroup": "subGroupTester",
	"transferProtocol": "SCP"

GET (Using Query Parameters)

This GET service will return a list of Endpoints in the form of JSON objects based on the query parameters name, address, group and subgroup. Endpoints are only returned if they match ALL of the specified query parameters. If no query parameters are given this request will return the entire list of Endpoints.



Append the following character sequences to the above URL to specify Query parameters.
Use '&' between successive query parameters: 






To Specify the name parameter only:


To Specify isActive parameter Only:


To Specify the name and group parameters:


To Specify the name, address and group parameters:


The query parameters are not case sensitive. Searching by name=NAME is the same as searching by name=name.


endpointNameNoQuery - StringContains ignore case search
endpointAddressNoQuery - StringEquals ignore case search
endpointGroupNoQuery - StringEquals ignore case search
endpointSubgroupNoQuery - StringEquals ignore case search
isActiveNoQuery - BooleanReturns endpoints where isActive field matches parameter.





endpointIdLongThis is an identification number of an existing Endpoint.
endpointNameStringThis is the unique name of the corresponding Endpoint.
descriptionStringThis is a description of the Endpoint.
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Endpoint is active. 
connectionTypeStringThis specifies the connection Type.
osTypeStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the operating system type used in the corresponding remote connection.
endpointAddressStringThis is a String associated with the address of the endpoint.
endpointPortStringThis is a port associated with an SSH connection.
baseDirectoryStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the base directory of the corresponding Endpoint.
isBaseDirectoryExpressionString"Y" if the base directory is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
javaPathStringThis is a character sequence that specifies the java path of the corresponding Endpoint.
isJavaPathExpressionString"Y" if the Java path is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
passwordStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passwordCredentialId is set or not.
passwordCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint password.
privateKeyStringFully-qualified path of the SSH private key file.
passphraseStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passphraseCredentialId is set or not.
passphraseCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint passphrase.
runAsUserNameStringAn optional user to run as (using sudo) after establishing connection to the endpoint.
dockerHostBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is docker engine.
k8sClusterBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is kubernetes engine.
k8sContextStringName of the configured K8s context.
endpointGroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding group.
endpointSubgroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding sub-group.

Response Codes

HTTP CodeDescription
200Search successful and results returned
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an endpoints in our database with a Ids of 14517, and 14518 and the following attributes

Endpoint - 14517
    "endpointId": 14517,
    "endpointName": "Motel6",
    "description": null,
    "isActive": true,
    "connectionType": "LOCALHOST",
    "osType": null,
    "endpointAddress": "localhost",
    "endpointPort": null,
    "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
    "isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
    "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
    "isJavaPathExpression": "N",
    "userName": null,
    "passwordCredentialId": null,
    "privateKey": null,
    "passphrase": null,
    "passphraseCredentialId": null,
    "runAsUserName": null,
    "endpointGroup": "Germany",
    "endpointSubgroup": "Munich",
	"transferProtocol": "SCP"
Endpoint 14518
    "endpointId": 14518,
    "endpointName": "Raddison Hotel",
    "description": null,
    "isActive": true,
    "connectionType": "LOCALHOST",
    "osType": null,
    "endpointAddress": "localhost",
    "endpointPort": null,
    "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
    "isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
    "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
    "isJavaPathExpression": "N",
    "userName": null,
    "passphraseCredentialId": null,
    "passwordCredentialId": null,
    "privateKey": null,
    "password": null,
    "passphrase": null,
    "runAsUserName": null,
    "endpointGroup": "Germany",
    "endpointSubgroup": "Berlin",
	"transferProtocol": "SCP"

When we run a GET request at the following URL


The GET request would return the  following JSON endpoint object

Endpoint GET Return JSON
        "description": null,
        "password": null,
        "passwordCredentialId": null,
        "userName": null,
        "isActive": true,
        "privateKey": null,
        "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
        "osType": null,
        "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
        "endpointName": "Motel6",
		"isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
        "endpointAddress": "localhost",
        "endpointId": 14517,
        "passphrase": null,
        "passphraseCredentialId": null,
        "connectionType": "LOCALHOST",
		"isJavaPathExpression": "N",
        "endpointPort": null,
        "endpointGroup": "Germany",
        "endpointSubgroup": "Munich",
		"transferProtocol": "SCP",
        "runAsUserName": null
        "description": null,
        "password": null,
        "passwordCredentialId": null,
        "userName": null,
        "isActive": true,
        "privateKey": null,
        "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
        "osType": null,
        "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
        "endpointName": "Raddison Hotel",
		"isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
        "endpointAddress": "localhost",
        "endpointId": 14518,
        "passphrase": null,
        "passphraseCredentialId": null,
        "connectionType": "LOCALHOST",
		"isJavaPathExpression": "N",
        "endpointPort": null,
        "endpointGroup": "Germany",
		"transferProtocol": "SCP",
        "endpointSubgroup": "Berlin",
        "runAsUserName": null

Test Connection (using GET)



This GET service will test the connection to an Endpoint with the given Id and return the JSON representation of a test result.


IdYesURLThis is a URL parameter for the Id which is used to find and return an Endpoint



If the test failed, the message will provide more information on why it failed. Otherwise, the message will be ‘Connection to Endpoint [name] was successful'

successfulBooleanWhether or not the test was successful

Response Codes

HTTP CodeDescription
200Endpoint was found, tested and results returned
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Endpoint not found.
500Unexpected internal server error


Assuming we have an endpoint setup like the following, and it is a valid endpoint

Endpoint 13910
    "endpointId": 13910,
    "endpointName": "TEST1",
    "description": "description",
    "isActive": true,
    "connectionType": "SSH",
    "osType": "UNIX",
    "endpointAddress": "hostname:port",
    "endpointPort": "1",
    "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
    "isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
    "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
    "isJavaPathExpression": "N",
    "userName": "userName",
    "passphraseCredentialId": 54321,
    "passphrase": "Passphrase",
    "passwordCredentialId": 12345,
    "privateKey": "privateKey",
    "runAsUserName": "TestInput",
    "endpointGroup": "endpointGroup",
	"transferProtocol": "SCP",
    "endpointSubgroup": "subGroupTester"

When we run a GET request at the following URL


The GET request would return the following JSON testresult object:

    "message": "Connection to Endpoint [TEST1] was successful.",
    "successful": true


This POST service will create a new Endpoint with the same attributes as the given JSON object.





This is the unique name of the corresponding Endpoint.

descriptionStringNoA description of the Endpoint.

This is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Endpoint is active. Default is true. 


This specifies the connection Type. "SSH" or "LOCALHOST"


This is a character sequence which corresponds to the operating system type used in the corresponding remote connection.

Dependency: Mandatory when connectionType is "SSH" otherwise not used.

endpointAddressStringNoThis is a String associated with the address of the endpoint.

This is a port associated with an SSH connection.

Dependency: Mandatory when connectionType is "SSH", otherwise not used.


This is a character sequence which corresponds to the base directory of the corresponding Endpoint.


This is a character sequence that specifies the java path of the corresponding Endpoint. Not required if the Endpoint is a Docker Host.

passwordStringDependentAllowed for backward compatibility, as this is replaced by passwordCredentialId. Only password or passwordCredentialId can be provided. If password is provided, it will be updated on corresponding credential only if credential is stored in Local credential store.

This is the id of the credential associated with the endpoint password. 

Dependency: Either passwordCredentialId, or privateKey is required when connectionType is "SSH" otherwise not used.


Fully-qualified path of the SSH private key file.

Dependency: Either password, passwordCredentialId, or privateKey is required when connectionType is "SSH" otherwise not used.


This is the id of the credential associated with the endpoint passphrase.

Note: Only valid if a privateKey is specified.

passphraseStringNoAllowed for backward compatibility, as this is replaced by passphraseCredentialId. Only passphrase or passphraseCredentialId can be provided. If passphrase is provided, it will be updated on corresponding credential only if credential is stored in Local credential store.

An optional user to run as (using sudo) after establishing connection to the endpoint.

Note: Only applicable when connection Type is "SSH" otherwise not used.

dockerHostBooleanNoThis indicates if endpoint is docker engine. Defaults to false.
k8sClusterBooleanNoThis indicates if endpoint is kubernetes engine. Defaults to false.
k8sContextStringNoName of the configured K8s context.
endpointSubgroupStringNoThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding sub-group.





endpointIdLongThis is an identification number of an existing Endpoint.
endpointNameStringThis is the unique name of the corresponding Endpoint.
descriptionStringThis is a description of the Endpoint.
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Endpoint is active. 
connectionTypeStringThis specifies the connection Type.
osTypeStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the operating system type used in the corresponding remote connection.
endpointAddressStringThis is a String associated with the address of the endpoint.
endpointPortStringThis is a port associated with an SSH connection.
baseDirectoryStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the base directory of the corresponding Endpoint.
isBaseDirectoryExpressionString"Y" if the base directory is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
javaPathStringThis is a character sequence that specifies the java path of the corresponding Endpoint.
isJavaPathExpressionString"Y" if the Java path is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
passwordStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passwordCredentialId is set or not.
passwordCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint password.
privateKeyStringFully-qualified path of the SSH private key file.
passphraseStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passphraseCredentialId is set or not.
passphraseCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint passphrase.
runAsUserNameStringAn optional user to run as (using sudo) after establishing connection to the endpoint.
dockerHostBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is docker engine.
k8sClusterBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is kubernetes engine.
k8sContextStringName of the configured K8s context.
endpointGroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding group.
endpointSubgroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding sub-group.

Response Codes

HTTP CodeDescription
200Endpoint was found and returned
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
500Unexpected internal server error


If the POST request receives the following JSON endpoint object,

    "password": "myPassword",
    "passwordCredentialId": null,
    "description": "description",
    "userName": "userName",
    "privateKey": "privateKey",
    "isActive": true,
    "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
    "endpointName": "GoodPost",
    "connectionType": "SSH",
    "endpointAddress": "NotNeeded00",
    "endpointId": null,
    "endpointSubgroup": "subGroupTester",
	"transferProtocol": "SCP",
    "endpointPort": "1",
    "endpointGroup": "endpointGroup",
    "runAsUserName": "TestInput",
    "osType": "UNIX",
    "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
    "passphrase": "myPassphrase",
    "passphraseCredentialId": null

The following endpoint object would then be created as a new row in the database

Endpoint POST Return JSON
    "endpointId": 13922,
    "endpointName": "GoodPost",
    "description": "description",
    "isActive": true,
    "connectionType": "SSH",
    "osType": "UNIX",
    "endpointAddress": "NotNeeded00",
    "endpointPort": "1",
    "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
    "isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
    "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
    "isJavaPathExpression": "N",
    "userName": "userName",
    "passphraseCredentialId": 29084,
    "password": "*****",
    "passwordCredentialId": 74839,
    "privateKey": "privateKey",
    "passphrase": "*****",
    "runAsUserName": "TestInput",
    "endpointGroup": "endpointGroup",
    "endpointSubgroup": "subGroupTester",
	"transferProtocol": "SCP"


This PUT service will update all attributes of an Endpoint with the given Id based on the attributes of a JSON objects parameter values.




IdURLYesURL parameter to specify which endpoint to replace

This is the unique name of the corresponding Endpoint.

descriptionStringNoA description of the Endpoint.

This is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Endpoint is active. Default is true. 


This specifies the connection Type. "SSH" or "LOCALHOST"


This is a character sequence which corresponds to the operating system type used in the corresponding remote connection.

Dependency: Mandatory when connectionType is "SSH" otherwise not used.

endpointAddressStringNoThis is a String associated with the address of the endpoint.

This is a port associated with an SSH connection.

Dependency: Mandatory when connectionType is "SSH", otherwise not used.


This is a character sequence which corresponds to the base directory of the corresponding Endpoint.


This is a character sequence that specifies the java path of the corresponding Endpoint. Not required if the Endpoint is a Docker Host.

passwordStringDependentAllowed for backward compatibility, as this is replaced by passwordCredentialId. Only password or passwordCredentialId can be provided. If password is provided, it will be updated on corresponding credential only if credential is stored in Local credential store.

This is the id of the credential associated with the endpoint password. 

Dependency: Either password, passwordCredentialId, or privateKey is required when connectionType is "SSH" otherwise not used.


Fully-qualified path of the SSH private key file.

Dependency: Either password, passwordCredentialId, or privateKey is required when connectionType is "SSH" otherwise not used.


This is the id of the credential associated with the endpoint passphrase.

Note: Only valid if a privateKey is specified.

passphraseStringNoAllowed for backward compatibility, as this is replaced by passphraseCredentialId. Only passphrase or passphraseCredentialId can be provided. If passphrase is provided, it will be updated on corresponding credential only if credential is stored in Local credential store.

An optional user to run as (using sudo) after establishing connection to the endpoint.

Note: Only applicable when connection Type is "SSH" otherwise not used.

dockerHostBooleanNoThis indicates if endpoint is docker engine. Defaults to false.
k8sClusterBooleanNoThis indicates if endpoint is kubernetes engine. Defaults to false.
k8sContextStringNoName of the configured K8s context.
endpointSubgroupStringNoThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding sub-group.





endpointIdLongThis is an identification number of an existing Endpoint.
endpointNameStringThis is the unique name of the corresponding Endpoint.
descriptionStringThis is a description of the Endpoint.
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Endpoint is active. 
connectionTypeStringThis specifies the connection Type.
osTypeStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the operating system type used in the corresponding remote connection.
endpointAddressStringThis is a String associated with the address of the endpoint.
endpointPortStringThis is a port associated with an SSH connection.
baseDirectoryStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the base directory of the corresponding Endpoint.
isBaseDirectoryExpressionString"Y" if the base directory is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
javaPathStringThis is a character sequence that specifies the java path of the corresponding Endpoint.
isJavaPathExpressionString"Y" if the Java path is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
passwordStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passwordCredentialId is set or not.
passwordCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint password.
privateKeyStringFully-qualified path of the SSH private key file.
passphraseStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passphraseCredentialId is set or not.
passphraseCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint passphrase.
runAsUserNameStringAn optional user to run as (using sudo) after establishing connection to the endpoint.
dockerHostBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is docker engine.
k8sClusterBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is kubernetes engine.
k8sContextStringName of the configured K8s context.
endpointGroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding group.
endpointSubgroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding sub-group.

Response Codes

201Endpoint was created successfully
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Endpoint not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an endpoint in our database with an Id of 11101 and had the following attributes

EndPoint Attributes as JSON
   "description": "description",
   "userName": "userName",
   "passwordCredentialId": 74839,
   "isActive": true,
   "privateKey": "privateKey",
   "endpointName": "GoodPost3",
   "osType": null,
   "connectionType": "SSH",
   "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
   "endpointAddress": "endpointAddress",
   "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
   "passphrase": "passphrase",
   "passphraseCredentialId": 29084,
   "endpointId": 11101,
   "endpointGroup": "endpointGroup",
   "endpointPort": null,
   "runAsUserName": "runAsUserName",
   "endpointSubgroup": "endpointSubgroup"

When we run a PUT request at the following URL


And the PUT request receives the following JSON endpoint object,

Endpoint PUT Receive JSON
   "description": "newDescription",
   "userName": "newUserName",
   "password": "newPassword",
   "passwordCredentialId": null,
   "isActive": true,
   "privateKey": "newPrivateKey",
   "endpointName": "GoodPost3",
   "osType": "UNIX",
   "connectionType": "SSH",
   "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
   "endpointAddress": "endpointAddress",
   "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
   "passphrase": "passphrase",
   "passphraseCredentialId": null,
   "endpointId": null,
   "endpointGroup": "endpointGroup",
   "endpointPort": null,
   "runAsUserName": "runAsUserName",
   "endpointSubgroup": "endpointSubgroup",
   "transferProtocol": "SCP"

The PUT request would then update the endpoint with Id 11101 and return the following JSON endpoint object.

Endpoint PUT Return JSON
   "description": "newDescription",
   "userName": "newUserName",
   "password": "newPassword",
   "passwordCredentialId": 74839,
   "isActive": true,
   "privateKey": "newPrivateKey",
   "endpointName": "GoodPost3",
   "osType": "UNIX",
   "connectionType": "SSH",
   "isJavaPathExpression": "N",
   "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
   "endpointAddress": "endpointAddress",
   "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
   "passphrase": "passphrase",
   "passphraseCredentialId": 29084,
   "endpointId": null,
   "endpointGroup": "endpointGroup",
   "endpointPort": null,
   "runAsUserName": "runAsUserName",
   "isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
   "endpointSubgroup": "endpointSubgroup",
   "transferProtocol": "SCP"


This PATCH service will update an existing endpoint with the information passed through a JSON object. If an attribute is not provided, it will not be updated in the Endpoint.




IdURLYesURL parameter to specify which endpoint to patch

This is the unique name of the corresponding Endpoint.

descriptionStringNoA description of the Endpoint.

This is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Endpoint is active. Default is true. 


This specifies the connection Type. "SSH" or "LOCALHOST"


This is a character sequence which corresponds to the operating system type used in the corresponding remote connection.

Note: Only applicable when connectionType is "SSH" otherwise not used.

endpointAddressStringNoThis is a String associated with the address of the endpoint.

This is a port associated with an SSH connection.

Note: Only applicable when connectionType is "SSH", otherwise not used.


This is a character sequence which corresponds to the base directory of the corresponding Endpoint.


This is a character sequence that specifies the java path of the corresponding Endpoint.

passwordStringNoAllowed for backward compatibility, as this is replaced by passwordCredentialId. Only password or passwordCredentialId can be provided. If password is provided, it will be updated on corresponding credential only if credential is stored in Local credential store.

This is the id of the credential associated with the endpoint password. 

Note: Only applicable when connectionType is "SSH" otherwise not used.


Fully-qualified path of the SSH private key file.

Note: Only applicable when connectionType is "SSH" otherwise not used.


This is the id of the credential associated with the endpoint passphrase.

Note: Only valid if a privateKey is specified, or already configured for endpoint.

passphraseStringNoAllowed for backward compatibility, as this is replaced by passphraseCredentialId. Only passphrase or passphraseCredentialId can be provided. If passphrase is provided, it will be updated on corresponding credential only if credential is stored in Local credential store.

An optional user to run as (using sudo) after establishing connection to the endpoint.

Note: Only applicable when connection Type is "SSH" otherwise not used.

dockerHostBooleanNoThis indicates if endpoint is docker engine. Defaults to false.
k8sClusterBooleanNoThis indicates if endpoint is kubernetes engine. Defaults to false.
k8sContextStringNoName of the configured K8s context.
endpointSubgroupStringNoThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding sub-group.





endpointIdLongThis is an identification number of an existing Endpoint.
endpointNameStringThis is the unique name of the corresponding Endpoint.
descriptionStringThis is a description of the Endpoint.
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Endpoint is active. 
connectionTypeStringThis specifies the connection Type.
osTypeStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the operating system type used in the corresponding remote connection.
endpointAddressStringThis is a String associated with the address of the endpoint.
endpointPortStringThis is a port associated with an SSH connection.
baseDirectoryStringThis is a character sequence which corresponds to the base directory of the corresponding Endpoint.
isBaseDirectoryExpressionString"Y" if the base directory is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
javaPathStringThis is a character sequence that specifies the java path of the corresponding Endpoint.
isJavaPathExpressionString"Y" if the Java path is a Groovy Expression "N" if it isn't. This cannot be set manually through the API, it will automatically be set to "N".
passwordStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passwordCredentialId is set or not.
passwordCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint password.
privateKeyStringFully-qualified path of the SSH private key file.
passphraseStringKept for backward compatibility. It will be either ***** or null depending on whether passphraseCredentialId is set or not.
passphraseCredentialIdLongThis is the credential id associated with the endpoint passphrase.
runAsUserNameStringAn optional user to run as (using sudo) after establishing connection to the endpoint.
dockerHostBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is docker engine.
k8sClusterBooleanThis indicates if endpoint is kubernetes engine.
k8sContextStringName of the configured K8s context.
endpointGroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding group.
endpointSubgroupStringThis is a character sequence associated with this Endpoint's corresponding sub-group.

Response Codes

200Endpoint was found and updated
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Endpoint not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an endpoint in our database with an Id of 13909 and had the following attributes

    "passwordCredentialId": null,
    "description": null,
    "userName": null,
    "privateKey": null,
    "isActive": true,
    "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
    "endpointName": "NotPatchedYet",
    "connectionType": "LOCALHOST",
    "endpointAddress": "localhost",
    "endpointId": 13909,
    "endpointSubgroup": null,
    "endpointPort": null,
    "endpointGroup": "TheGroup",
    "runAsUserName": null,
    "osType": null,
    "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
    "passphrase": null,
    "passphraseCredentialId": null

When we run a PATCH request at the following URL


And the PATCH request receives the following JSON endpoint object,

Endpoint PATCH input JSON
    "endpointName": "PatchedEndpoint",
    "endpointGroup": null

The PATCH request would then update the endpoint with Id 13909 and return the following JSON endpoint object

Endpoint PATCH Return JSON
    "password": null,
    "passwordCredentialId": null,
    "description": null,
    "userName": null,
    "privateKey": null,
    "isActive": true,
    "baseDirectory": "ServerInstallRoot + '/localhost'",
    "endpointName": "PatchedEndpoint",
    "isBaseDirectoryExpression": "N",
    "connectionType": "LOCALHOST",
	"isJavaPathExpression": "N",
    "endpointAddress": "localhost",
    "endpointId": 13909,
    "endpointSubgroup": null,
    "transferProtocol": "SCP",
    "endpointPort": null,
    "endpointGroup": "TheGroup",
    "runAsUserName": null,
    "osType": null,
    "javaPath": "ServerJavaHome",
    "passphrase": null,
    "passphraseCredentialId": null

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