Project Stream API

Project Stream API

Project Streams can be accessed and modified through this API using four services: GET, POST, PUT, and PATCH. These four services allow for retrieving, creating, completely updating, and partially updating Project Streams, as well as populating files from a Project Stream.

Authentication - Use Basic Authentication for this API.


There are two implementations of GET. One will find a Project Stream with the given Id and return the JSON representation of the Project Stream. The other will find a list of Project Streams matching the query parameters supplied to it.


This GET service will find a Project Stream with the given Id and return the JSON representation of the object. 






URLYesThis is a URL parameter for the Project Id which is searched to find and return a Stream
streamidURLYesThis is a URL parameter for the Project Stream Id which will be returned from the corresponding Project


descriptionStringThis is a description of the Project Stream
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Project Stream is active
attribute1StringThis is the first attribute of the Project Stream
attribute2StringThis is the second attribute of the Project Stream
attribute3StringThis is the third attribute of the Project Stream
versionSyntaxScriptStringThis is the version syntax script of the Project Stream
streamIdLongThis is the unique Id of the Project Stream
streamNameStringThis is the unique name of the Project Stream

Response Codes

200Project Stream was found and returned
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Project or Stream not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had a Project Stream in our database with an Id of 11101 belonging to a project with an Id of 10002 and the following attributes:

Project Stream- 11101
   "description": "Stream Description",
   "isActive": true,
   "streamName": "FirstStream",
   "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
   "attribute3": "three",
   "attribute2": "two",
   "attribute1": "one",
   "streamId": 11101,
   "sequenceNumber": 3

When we run a GET request at the following URL:


The GET request would return the following JSON Project Stream object:

Project Stream GET Return JSON
   "description": "Stream Description",
   "isActive": true,
   "streamName": "FirstStream",
   "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
   "attribute3": "three",
   "attribute2": "two",
   "attribute1": "one",
   "streamId": 11101,
   "sequenceNumber": 3

GET (Using Query Parameters)

This GET service will return a list of Project Streams from the specified project in the form of JSON objects based on the query parameter streamname. Project Streams are only returned if they match all of the specified query parameters and belong to the corresponding Project. If no query parameters are given this request will return the entire list of Streams within the specified Project.



Append the following character sequences to the above URL to specify Query parameters.

Use '&' between successive query parameters: 




To search by code only:


To search by isActive and code:


The query parameters are not case sensitive. Searching by name=NAME is the same as searching by name=name.


projectIdURLYesThis is a URL path parameter for the Project Id which specifies the project which will be queried for Streams.
streamNameQuery - StringNoContains ignore case search for stream name.
isActiveQuery - BooleanNoReturns project streams where isActive field matches parameter.


descriptionStringThis is a description of the Project Stream
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Project Stream is active
attribute1StringThis is the first attribute of the Project Stream
attribute2StringThis is the second attribute of the Project Stream
attribute3StringThis is the third attribute of the Project Stream
versionSyntaxScriptStringThis is the version syntax script of the Project Stream
streamIdLongThis is the unique Id of the Project Stream
streamNameStringThis is the unique name of the Project Stream

Response Codes

200Search successful and results returned
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Project not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had a Project (10002) with the following streams

Project 10002 Streams
      "description": "PUTted",
      "streamName": "PATCHStream1",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 10003,
      "attribute2": "two",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "three",
      "attribute1": "PATCHoneStotle",
      "sequenceNumber": 17
      "description": "123",
      "streamName": "PostStream1",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 10201,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1",
      "sequenceNumber": 3
      "description": "123",
      "streamName": "Stream2",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 10004,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1",
      "sequenceNumber": 3
      "description": "123",
      "streamName": "Stream4",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 10101,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1",
      "sequenceNumber": 13
      "description": "123",
      "streamName": "Stream5",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 10102,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1",
      "sequenceNumber": 14

When we run a GET request at the following URL:


The GET request would return the  following JSON Project Stream object:

Project Stream "Stream5"
      "description": "123",
      "streamName": "Stream5",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 10102,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1",
      "sequenceNumber": 14


Create Stream

This POST service will create a new Project Stream with the same attributes as the given JSON object.




descriptionStringNoThis is a description of the Project Stream
isActiveBooleanNoThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Project Stream is active. If 'null' isActive defaults to 'true'
attribute1StringNoThis is the first attribute of the Project Stream
attribute2StringNoThis is the second attribute of the Project Stream
attribute3StringNoThis is the third attribute of the Project Stream
versionSyntaxScriptStringYesThis is the version syntax script of the Project Stream
streamNameStringYesThis is the unique name of the Project Stream
sequenceNumberNumberNoThis is the next sequence number for the stream. This can be used in the version syntax script
projectIdURLYesThis is the Id of the project to add a new Stream to


descriptionStringThis is a description of the Project Stream
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Project Stream is active
attribute1StringThis is the first attribute of the Project Stream
attribute2StringThis is the second attribute of the Project Stream
attribute3StringThis is the third attribute of the Project Stream
versionSyntaxScriptStringThis is the version syntax script of the Project Stream
streamIdLongThis is the unique Id of the Project Stream
streamNameStringThis is the unique name of the Project Stream

Response Codes

201Project Stream was created successfully
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Project not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If the POST request receives the following JSON Project Stream object at the URL http://host:port/flexdeploy/rest/v1/project/10237/stream,

      "description": "123",
      "streamName": "NewStream",
      "isActive": true,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1",
      "sequenceNumber": 4

The following Project Stream object will then be created as a new Stream for Project 10237:

Project Stream Post Return JSON
      "description": "123",
      "streamName": "NewStream",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 12723,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1"

Populate Files

This POST service is available starting with version @

This POST service will populate files from a given stream. All discovered files will be saved automatically.




projectIdURLYesThe project where files are being populated
streamIdURLYesThe stream to populate files from
inactivateMissingFilesBoolean NoWhether missing files will be inactivated or not. User must have Inactivate Missing Files permission for the requested project.


The number of project files which were newly populated will be returned in the response.

Response Codes

201Files were populated
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Project or Stream not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an Project Stream in our database with a Project Id of 25262, Stream Id of 12321 and we ran a POST request at the following URL:


with the following request JSON:

Project Stream POST Request JSON
	  "inactivateMissingFiles": true

The POST request would then populate files from the Project Stream with Id 12321, automatically saving the populated files, and return the number of files which were newly populated and saved:

Project Stream POST Return JSON


This PUT service will update all attributes of a Project Stream with the given Ids based on the attributes of a JSON object parameters.




descriptionStringNoThis is a description of the Project Stream
isActiveBooleanNoThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Project Stream is active. If 'null' isActive defaults to 'true'
attribute1StringNoThis is the first attribute of the Project Stream
attribute2StringNoThis is the second attribute of the Project Stream
attribute3StringNoThis is the third attribute of the Project Stream
versionSyntaxScriptStringNoThis is the version syntax script of the Project Stream
streamIdLongNoThis is the Id of the Project Stream, can pass, but will not change the id of the stream
streamNameStringNoThis is the unique name of the Project Stream
sequenceNumberNumberNoThis is the next sequence number for the stream. This can be used in the version syntax script
projectIdURLYesThis is the Id of the project to find the stream
streamidURLYesThis is the Id of the stream which will be updated


descriptionStringThis is a description of the Project Stream
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Project Stream is active
attribute1StringThis is the first attribute of the Project Stream
attribute2StringThis is the second attribute of the Project Stream
attribute3StringThis is the third attribute of the Project Stream
versionSyntaxScriptStringThis is the version syntax script of the Project Stream
streamIdLongThis is the unique Id of the Project Stream
streamNameStringThis is the unique name of the Project Stream

Response Codes

200Project Stream was found and updated
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Project or Stream not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an Project Stream in our database with a Project Id of 25262, Stream Id of 12321, and the following attributes:

Project Stream PUT JSON
      "description": "123",
      "streamName": "NewStream",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 12321,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1"

When we run a PUT request at the following URL


And the PUT request receives the following JSON Project Stream object,

Project Stream PUT Receive JSON
      "description": "UpdateDescription",
      "streamName": "UpdatedStream",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 12723,
      "attribute2": null,
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": null,
      "attribute1": "1"

The PUT request would then update the Project Stream with Id 12321 and return the following JSON Project Stream object:

Project Stream PUT Return JSON
      "description": "UpdateDescription",
      "streamName": "UpdatedStream",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 12321,
      "attribute2": null,
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": null,
      "attribute1": "1"


This PATCH service will update an existing Project Stream with the information passed through a JSON object. If an attribute of the JSON is null, it will not be updated in the Project Stream.




descriptionStringNoThis is a description of the Project Stream
isActiveBooleanNoThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Project Stream is active. If 'null' isActive defaults to 'true'
attribute1StringNoThis is the first attribute of the Project Stream
attribute2StringNoThis is the second attribute of the Project Stream
attribute3StringNoThis is the third attribute of the Project Stream
versionSyntaxScriptStringNoThis is the version syntax script of the Project Stream
streamIdLongNoThis is the unique Id of the Project Stream. This attribute will not cause an error if it is passed, but the stream id won't be changed.
streamNameStringNoThis is the unique name of the Project Stream
sequenceNumberNumberNoThis is the next sequence number for the stream. This can be used in the version syntax script
projectIdURLYesThis is the Id of the project to find the stream to update
streamidURL YesThis is the Id of the stream that is being updated


descriptionStringThis is a description of the Project Stream
isActiveBooleanThis is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the Project Stream is active
attribute1StringThis is the first attribute of the Project Stream
attribute2StringThis is the second attribute of the Project Stream
attribute3StringThis is the third attribute of the Project Stream
versionSyntaxScriptStringThis is the version syntax script of the Project Stream
streamIdLongThis is the unique Id of the Project Stream
streamNameStringThis is the unique name of the Project Stream

Response Codes

200Project Stream was found and patched
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)

Project or Stream not found

500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an Project Stream in our database with an Id of 12723 which had the following attributes

Environment PATCH JSON
      "description": "123",
      "streamName": "NewStream",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 12723,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1"

When we run a PATCH request at the following URL


And the PATCH request receives the following JSON Project Stream object,

Project Stream PATCH Receive JSON
      "description": "Patch Description",
      "streamName": "PatchStream"

The PATCH request would then update the Project Stream with Id 12723 and return the following JSON Project Stream object:

Project Stream PATCH Return JSON
      "description": "Patch Description",
      "streamName": "PatchStream",
      "isActive": true,
      "streamId": 12723,
      "attribute2": "2",
      "versionSyntaxScript": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
      "attribute3": "3",
      "attribute1": "1"

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