Configure Change Management on Folders

Configure Change Management on Folders

Any or folder can be bound to a configuration management instance for approval. This configuration is used for linking/creating CMS tickets during ad-hoc deployments, and can bind an approval to the linked ticket. Additionally, pipelines can be designed with External Approval Gates to create and/or link CMS tickets and bind the gate approval for the stage or project to the status of the underlying ticket.

The Approval tab allows association of approvals in an environment with any Change Management Instance configured in the topology. Open a folder and locate its Approvals tab. Folders inherit their Approval settings from their parent folders. You can override it at any level, either in the root FlexDeploy folder, or any of its children. Approvals added here will cascade down to child folders and projects and apply to all manual deployments. Deployment through a release will not be affected by these approvals.

Select the environment and type of workflow execution that you wish to add an approval for,

Click the (2) Change Management tab.

Fill in your Change Management Instance.

An override group is required, it allows FlexDeploy users to approve the task in case the external service is unavailable.

If you with to auto-create tickets on deployment, check that box.

Any inputs needed to create a ticket are locked in Groovy mode. This means that you can type code in the box. Pressing Ctrl+Space will auto complete what you are typing. See Working with Groovy for more information.

Details of specific Ticket Fields are available on individual change management systems page.

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