Oracle APEX Application

The Oracle APEX Application blueprint will create the topology, workflows, source control repository connection, and project for managing the build and deployment of an APEX application.

Install SQLcl client on FlexDeploy server, which is just a zip file that can be extracted in folder like c:\installs or /u01, in which case SQLcl Home will be c:\installs\sqlcl or /u01/sqlcl. You can decide to use a different server if you like but that would require small adjustments once you run through this blueprint.

  • The build workflow, Build APEX, is created/linked and bound to APEX projects creating using this blueprint.
  • The deploy workflow, Deploy APEX, is created once and bound to all APEX projects created using this blueprint.
  • The instance is created based on the Parsing Schema name.
  • Build will run in Development environment, so when source is App Builder, application from Development environment is exported.
  • Deployment is configured to run against Test environment irrespective of build options. (developers will be editing application in development environment, so deployment is set to run against Test environment).

Blueprint Properties

Property Name
How its used
Application NameYesThe APEX application name as configured in App Builder
  • FlexDeploy project is named using this value
  • FlexDeploy project property is configured to this value
Application DescriptionNoA description for the application
  • FlexDeploy project's description is set to this value
Parsing SchemaYesThe parsing (owner) schema for the application
  • FlexDeploy application name is configured to this value
  • FlexDeploy project property is configured to this value
  • FlexDeploy instance is created using this value
Workspace NameYesThe workspace the application belongs to
  • FlexDeploy instance is created using this value
  • FlexDeploy project is mapped to this instance


There are two options for building an Oracle APEX application.  You can download the source files from the APEX App Builder (Development environment), or source the files from a source control repository such as Git or Subversion. 

Build Properties

There are no Build Properties for this blueprint when Build Option is SCM Repository.

If you use App Builder as Build Option then SQLcl Home, User, Password, JDBC URL is needed. In case of Build, development server values should be used, as export of application is done from Development environment. Also, for user you can use parsing schema, system or APEX_* user.

A localhost endpoint (available out of box) is used for build and deploy.

Which endpoint?

Localhost endpoint is used so make sure SQLcl client is installed on FlexDeploy server.


All APEX applications are deployed using FlexDeploy's Oracle APEX Plugin.  As such, the only and default deploy option is Deploy APEX.

Deploy Properties

Property Name
How its used
SQLcl HomeNoDirectory where SQLcl is installed on the endpoint

FlexDeploy environment instance property is configured to this value

APEX UserYesAPEX user to import and export applications with.  Use parsing schema user, system or APEX_<xxxx>.

FlexDeploy environment instance property is configured to this value

APEX Password


The password for APEX User.FlexDeploy environment instance property is configured to this value
Oracle Database URLYesThe JDBC connect string for the Oracle Database hosting the application.FlexDeploy environment instance property is configured to this value

Which endpoint?

Localhost endpoint is used so make sure SQLcl client is installed on FlexDeploy server.

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