

Deploys an Informatica deployment group from a source to target server. The name of the deployment group to be migrated is taken from the build artifact created in the build operation.

Using the control file and environment instance properties, you can set up the plugin to perform the task in a number of different ways. For example, if you have 3 environments, you can choose to migrate using static-version deploymentgroups from dev to test, and dev to prod, or from dev to test, migrating the deployment group as well, and then from test to prod. The latter ensures that the migrated data has been tested before going to production, so it is the recommended approach.

If you select option to move from Dev to Test and Dev to Prod then Source details will be for Dev on all Environment / Instances.

Environment/Instance Properties

Property Name

Property Code






Absolute path to INFA Home. For example, /opt/informatica. FlexDeploy will look for server/bin folder under this location.
Source repository domainFDI_SOURCE_DOMAIN_NAMEYesThe domain of the source repository (-d parameter)
Source User Security DomainFDI_SOURCE_USER_SECURITY_DOMAINNoThe domain that the source repository user is authorized in (-s parameter)
Source UserFDI_SOURCE_USER_NAMEYesThe user name to connect to the source repository with (-n parameter)
Password for Source UserFDI_SOURCE_PASSWORDYesThe password to connect to the source repository with (-x parameter)
Source RepositoryFDI_SOURCE_REPOSITORY_NAMEYesThe name of the source repository (-r parameter)
Target UserFDI_TARGET_USER_NAMEYesThe user name to connect to the target repository with (-n parameter)
Password for Target UserFDI_TARGET_PASSWORDYesThe password to connect to the Target repository with (-x parameter)
Target DomainFDI_TARGET_DOMAIN_NAMEYesThe domain name of the target repository (-d parameter)
Target RepositoryFDI_TARGET_REPOSITORY_NAMEYesThe name of the target repository (-r parameter)
Target User Security DomainFDI_TARGET_USER_SECURITY_DOMAINNoThe domain that the target repository user is authorized in (-s parameter)
Deploy DeploymentGroup Control File PathFDI_DEPLOY_CONTROL_FILE_PATHYesAbsolute path to the control file (xml file) that will be used to pass options to the deployDeploymentGroup Command (-c parameter)

Project Properties

Property Name

Property Code




Output Name




This operation consumes artifacts from the artifacts repository. The artifact contains the name of the deploymentgroup that will be migrated.

Endpoint Selection

This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment/instance.

Endpoint Execution

This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.

Special Considerations

Make sure to setup your domain properly on all the endpoint servers. See https://kb.informatica.com/solution/11/Pages/101878.aspx for information on how to do that.

Reference to Deployment Group Control File can be found in https://kb.informatica.com/h2l/HowTo%20Library/1/0083-DeploymentUsingPmrepCommands.pdf.

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