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We strongly recommend applying Patch Release 10-11-2017 as it will help improve performance of Workflow Executions.

FlexDeploy 4.5.3 - Patch Release 6-21-2018


FlexDeploy 4.5.3 - Patch Release 5-30-2018


Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.3

Contains all fixes released since 4.5.2. Here are additional features and fixes on top of latest patch release of 4.5.2.


Plugin Updates

New Plugins

FlexDeploy 4.5.2 - Patch Release 4-25-2018

Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.2 - Patch Release 4-9-2018

Plugin Updates

New Plugins

FlexDeploy 4.5.2 - Patch Release 3-27-2018


Plugin Updates

New Plugins

FlexDeploy 4.5.2 - Patch Release 3-2-2018


Plugin Updates

New Plugins

FlexDeploy 4.5.2 - Patch Release 2-8-2018


Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.2


  • Partial Deployment support added for MDS artifacts.
  • Show proper error message when invalid Sparse Folder is configured for project using Git.
  • Plugin page shows location on Auto Upload folder. You can place plugin jar files in this folder on FlexDeploy server to automatically upload and activate plugins.
  • Create snapshot screen would only allow project versions that match project configuration in Release. For example, if Project is added as All Files, you can only select Project Versions that are created using All Files option.
  • For Git based Projects, local copy of repository is deleted when Stream is inactivated in FlexDeploy and no other projects are using that stream.
  • For Git based Projects, local copy is created with smaller depth if branch name is not master. This is done to reduce space utilization by local git repositories.
  • If user updates attribute values on Project Files screen, FlexDeploy will remember that value is not default and user has modified it. This will make sure that user supplied values are not overwritten when evaluating file attributes again.
  • Duplicate Files flag for Release Snapshot.
    • If Release snapshot contains more than one package of files and same set of files are included in different Packages, you will see a Warning Icon on Release Snapshot and Packages included in that Snapshot that have duplicate files.
    • Duplicate file names will also be listed on View Snapshots screen.
    • Workflow Execution Context property (FD_RELEASE_SNAPSHOT_DUPLICATE_FILES) is also available for users to check if there are any duplicate files in executing snapshot.
  • Promote to Release button is added on Workflow Execution screen. This should allow users to add existing Project Version to specific Release Snapshot. New Release Snapshot will be created with project version.
  • Release Snapshot tries to use latest version of all projects in release if they are not already part of latest snapshot. This was deemed incorrect behavior and now snapshot will only have versions that are indicated by user to be part of Snapshot. For example, Create Snapshot, Build with Release, Promote to Release.
  • Execute Utility Workflow step required that Utility Project be added to Release. This requirement has been removed as Utility Workflow are not associated with Release Snapshot.
  • During Build with Select Files, add Files from Package option now allows for Replace instead of Add, which means that selected files will replace files already added on Build Form.
  • Environment code in now supported in ServiceNow Approve/Request groovy scripts on instance.
  • Project, Folder and Stream name are updated to allow 255 bytes now.
  • Deploy complete or failed emails will now contain Fault Data, Outputs and File list with Execution Status (for Partial Deployment).
  • All email notifications will contain Stream Name.

Plugin Updates

  • Tomcat Plugin
    • Now supports operations without use of Manager application.
  • EBS Plugin
    • Java file retry improvement. Java files can be interdependent on each other and may require multiple compilation retries for success. Code changes were done to allow for enough retries to successfully compile files included in deployment.
    • Added support for generate jar operations with Java top that not shared across nodes. This is a breaking change. You will likely need to open any workflows that have the operations adcGenerateJar or generateCustomJar in them, check if you want to run on any or all instances, and save them. You also need to associate the resource type of Web Server to the endpoints that will run the 2 operations.
    • Stop concurrent manager may not always stop all processes. Plugin input now allows for Failure Timeout and Force Kill Time(Optional). Plugin will wait for all processes to exit by Failure Timeout. Plugin will kill remaining concurrent manager processes after Force Kill Time. Do not set Force Kill Time if you do not want plugin to kill processes. If processes are still running after Failure Timeout, plugin will fail.
    • Fixes for Stop Workflow Services operation. Plugin now checks for status of Workflow service processes.
    • Fixed issue where EBS Plugin was showing success for ORA- errors and "Error at line..." in output for SQL files.
    • EBS Other files types with permissions set leads to a chmod failure.
    • Added Compile option for JSP files in HTML Files type.
    • New object type for shell script execution. Users will need to move files in this object type as appropriate.
    • Fixed JPX file target location issue where you may end up with duplicate folders like $CUST_TOP/java/java.
    • Retry issues fixed for SQL file where DROP and CREATE statements are used for various types. For example, DROP TABLE error will be ignored if Table does not exist yet.  Applicable for TABLE, VIEW, SEQUENCE, INDEX, TYPE, SYNONYM.
    • Added data file attribute for SQL Loader type.
    • Added support for ildt files.
  • JDBC Plugin
    • Full Deploy execute operations - Added Input to allow for ignoring compilation warning.
    • Fixed issue where SEQ file can cause infinite loop if there empty line at the end.
  • MDS Plugin
    • Support for partial deployment option. Users can deploy selected MDS objects to name space, and this option also allows for indicating target path in MDS which can be useful if SCM folder structure does not match MDS Path.
    • If MDS Base Object Path is not specified on Project Property, plugin just used directory where source code is exported, which required blank check out folder otherwise checkout folder will end up in build artifact and will be deployed like that. If MDS Base Object Path is specified on Project Property, plugin concatenated directory where source code is exported and specified MDS Base Object Path, which leads to various issues when checkout folder is specified. These issues have been fixed. Now, irrespective of which SCM is being used and checkout folder configuration, default configurations should take exported code in to build artifacts without any additional folder paths. You can still use MDS Base Object Path to control what file and path is included in build artifact.

  • Maven Plugin
    • Plugin now comes with packaged maven version 3.5.2. Previously 3.0.5 was packaged.
  • WebLogic Plugin
    • Fixed regression bug where versioned deployed were not working anymore for EAR deployments.
  • SOA Plugin
    • Supports purging composite revisions after the deployment of a composite or on a scheduled based with the new purge operation.  The number of revisions to keep is controlled by environment.  In addition, a preview mode is available to just log the composite/revisions that would have been purged.
    • Supports completely removing a composite with an undeploy operation.
    • Supports the stopping/starting of any number of composites.  Composite revisions are stopped/started in the appropriate order to maintain the default composite revision.  The composite names to be stopped/started can be provided as a input or a file.  This can be very helpful during outages and would mainly be utilized to stop initiating composites such as DB, JMS and File pollers.
    • Enhanced logging to help with debugging.
  • Perforce Plugin
    • Perforce labelProjectSources now labels files that are part of package if partial deployment using appropriate revision selected in package.
    • Allow project configuration where File from depot is specified instead of a Folder.
    • Perforce Revision descriptions are not truncated anymore.
  • OSB Plugin
    • Plugin will automatically find OSB project folder, even when Checkout and OSB Parent Project Path is setup incorrectly. This is done by looking for servicebus.sboverview, .settings or .project files.
  • Ant Plugin
    • Ant with External Home setup does not work as it uses incorrect Target.
  • Oracle Database Plugin
    • Plugin was not working for IOT tables.

Bug Fixes

  • Copy Project does not allow space in Project Name.
  • Deploying an application with an approval task - the task doesn't show up in the Application Request Details screen.
  • Test definition workflows are sorted case sensitively.
  • Test Instances are sorted case sensitively.
  • Project Properties are not shown if Plugin operation is inside if or while block in Workflow.
  • During pipeline execution only 25 steps are shown on Release Dashboard.
  • If Package name is updated on Release Definition, snapshot continues to have version associated with old package in it. Now project or projects not associated with Release will be removed from snapshot when new snapshot is created.
  • Create Snapshot - derive from Snapshot does not work for all packages in the release. Only one of the package was getting marked with project version from selected snapshot.
  • Stage Execution Information screen does not work on Tomcat, fails with Property 'getInputHeaderName' not found on type flexagon.fd.model.appmodules.helpers.release.pojo.WorkflowDetailsMetaData.
  • Release shows up twice on search release screen one with CURRENT and other with first snapshot.
  • Fixed Stage Execution Information screen for inputs based on Project and Package(Optional). It only asked for one set of inputs per Project.
  • Upload of Public Key fails with ADF error for new Endpoints.
  • Only 3000 groups are retrieved from Active Directory. This is due to limitation set by Active Directory configurations, now FlexDeploy uses pagination to retrieve all groups even when such limitation is present.
  • Stage Execution Information - show drop down if List Data is configured for Workflow Input or FlexFields.
  • Validation for if files are configured or not for a specific package should be done only if New is selected for package build on create snapshot.

FlexDeploy 4.5.1 - Patch Release 12-12-2017

Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.1 - Patch Release 12-11-2017

Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.1 - Patch Release 12-05-2017

Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.1 - Patch Release 11-29-2017

Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.1 - Patch Release 11-27-2017

Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.1 - Patch Release 11-20-2017


Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.1 - Patch Release 11-15-2017

Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.1 - Patch Release 11-14-2017

Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5.1

SQL Patch


Bug Fixes

Plugin Updates

Recommended Changes

FlexDeploy 4.5 - Patch Release 10-11-2017

SQL Patch

FlexDeploy 4.5 - Patch Release 10-03-2017

Plugin Updates

FlexDeploy 4.5

Advanced Pipeline and Release Management

Software changes are often delivered by way of releases, where one or more components are bundled together and delivered to the end user as a collection of features or capabilities. Typically these software changes are promoted across a series of environments, before ultimately being delivered to the production environment where they are consumed by the end user. This software delivery life-cycle generally requires approvals, resolution of conflicts within shared environments, and utilizes testing quality metrics when determining when the changes are ready to be promoted into the next environment. The planning, collaboration, and execution of these activities, while required, often slow down delivery rates and add significant cost to IT projects.

Prior to FlexDeploy 4.5, our customers were able to use Application build and deploy features to create bundles for deployment, but that was very limited and obviously very static configuration of bundle. FlexDeploy 4.5 introduces Pipeline & Release Management to allow for easy and dynamic approach to bundling different components and delivering them in automated manner to various environments.

Utility Workflows

FlexDeploy projects are used to perform Build and Deploy operations, which deal  well with specific artifacts like EAR, JAR, Configurations etc. But there are situations when users or pipeline needs to execute operations like Start WebLogic Server, Stop WebLogic Server etc, which don't have any artifacts to build. In order to support execution of custom steps / scripts, FlexDeploy 4.5 introduces concept of Utility Project and Workflows. See Workflows, Creating Utility Project, Configuring Utility Project for more details.

Topology User Interface

Defining topology of various environment, instance and endpoints is very important for FlexDeploy. We have redesigned topology management in FlexDeploy 4.5. The new user interface will provide easier management and navigation capabilities. See Topology for more details. Some of the highlights of this new redesign.

Extended Platform Support

API Updates


Plugin Updates

Incompatible Changes

Known Issues