Code Block |
is_windows = true fd_install_directory = "C:\\temp\\fbfd" |
Database Options
Only db_type is the type of database. Currently only supports ‘Postgres and ‘oracle’. Oracle requires the database and ojdbc files to be in the software folder. More on this under system requirements or below note. Default is Postgres.
db_password is the password for an administrator user for the database.
db_password and db_fd_admin_password is the password for the fd_admin user for the database.
db_port is which port the database will listen on. Recommended to be 5432 for Postgres and 1521 for Oracle. Default is 5432.
If you want to use the Oracle database, you need to have both the ojdbc8-full.tar.gz and LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip files located in a folder called software in the root directory of the script. ojdbc drivers are version 8. Database install is Oracle 19.3, Linux x64 version.
Example of database configuration for Postgres:need to be filled in for a windows install. These won’t actually be used so anything can be used. Database type doesn’t affect anything, Postgres will always be used.
Code Block |
db_password = "Password1_" db_fd_admin_password = "FDadminPassword1_" |
Example for Oracle:
Code Block |
db_type = "oracle"
db_password = "Password1_"
db_fd_admin_password = "FDadminPassword1_"
db_port = 1521 |
Instance Options
fd_version the version of FlexDeploy. Usually, the latest is recommended. This is required.
fd_install_directory is where FlexDeploy should be installed to. Defaults to /u01/flexdeploy.fd_repository_directory is where the FlexDeploy artifact repository is located. Defaults to /u01/flexdeploy/artifacts.
db_install_directory. Directory where to install the database. Default is /u02/database.
db_data_directory. Directory where to keep the data for the database. Default is /u03/dbdata.
install_temp_directory is where temporary files will be stored for installation. Defaults to /var/tmp/fdinstall.use_
one_instance will choose whether or not to install the database on the same instance as FlexDeploy. We do not recommend this for production environments. Default is false.execute_locally chooses whether or not to install FlexDeploy locally. This is not recommended for production environments, since it installs both the database and FlexDeploy on the same instance.
is_windows chooses whether or not this is installing on windows. If you choose this it will work locally. Not recommended since this will install database and FlexDeploy on the same instance.
existing_instance_hostname is the hostname for an existing instance. If this option is set, it will execute against this hostname.
existing_database_hostname is the hostname for a database instance. If this option is set database install will execute against this instance.
admin_user is the admin user for the local install. Only required when executing locally.
windows must be true.
Example with only required inputs:
Code Block |
fd_version = ""
is_windows = true |
More complex example:
Code Block |
fd_version = ""
fd_install_directory = "C:\\temp\\fb"
is_windows = true |
Putting it together
Here are a few examples is an example of all of this put together in terraform.tfvarsFor windows with Postgres:
Code Block |
is_windows = true fd_version = "" fd_install_directory = "C:\\temp\\fb" db_password = "Password1_" db_fd_admin_password = "FDadminPassword1_" |