For the windows, you’ll need to change the source of the cloud module. This is in the file in the root directory. For windows it should look like this:

module "cloud" {
  source = "./modules/local"

Setup inputs for terrafrom.tfvars

Inputs can be supplied using any of the methods supported by Terraform. However, we recommend using the .tfvars method. The following examples will use that format.


The provider you have selected will require certain inputs unless you are running locally in which case you do not need any of these inputs.

For windows you need these:

is_windows = true
fd_install_directory = "C:\\temp\\fd"

Database Options

Only db_password and db_fd_admin_password need to be filled in for a windows install. These won’t actually be used so anything can be used. Database type doesn’t affect anything, Postgres will always be used.

db_password = "Password1_"
db_fd_admin_password = "FDadminPassword1_"

Instance Options

fd_version the version of FlexDeploy. Usually, the latest is recommended. This is required.

fd_install_directory is where FlexDeploy should be installed to. Defaults to /u01/flexdeploy.

install_temp_directory is where temporary files will be stored for installation. Defaults to /var/tmp/fdinstall.

is_windows must be true.

Example with only required inputs:

fd_version = ""
is_windows = true

More complex example:

fd_version = ""
fd_install_directory = "C:\\temp\\fb"
is_windows = true

Putting it together

Here is an example of all of this put together in terraform.tfvars

is_windows = true
fd_version = ""
fd_install_directory = "C:\\temp\\fb"
db_password = "Password1_"
db_fd_admin_password = "FDadminPassword1_"

Terraform commands to run

Place those options inside of a file called terraform.tfvars inside of the root directory of the script.

now that the input variables are all set, we will first run

terraform init

to set up terraform. Next, we will run

terraform plan

This will output showing everything that will be created. It will look similar to this for windows install:

Read over this and make sure you are ok with all of these resources being created.

Next, we can run:

terraform apply

This will run the script and install everything necessary.

This can take quite some time to run depending on the specific configuration so please be patient.

Once it’s done you should see outputs that look similar to this:

You can see the URL to connect to FlexDeploy. Then you should be all set to launch FlexDeploy.

If something does not work correctly, or you are just done using this FlexDeploy instance you can run the following:

terraform destroy

This will destroy anything created in the cloud. It will not however undo any changes to existing servers.

Launch FlexDeploy

Launch FlexDeploy in your browser with the URL